Chapter 23

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Ross POV

All of a sudden Laura runs off. She was crying.

"See what you did you guys hurt her!"

"Oh please you hurt her worse."

I run after her after a while I slump down against a tree.

I hear sobbing sounds. I turn and see a little body sitting on the ground. I noticed it was Laura. Her brown hair across her face.

"Laura?" Her heads comes up and her eyes were red. She wipes tears from her face.

"I'm fine."

I go to her and just hug her not saying anything. I pulled her up and put my lips on hers.

She pulls away, and whispers. "I love you."

"I love you so much babe."

"I love you more."

"No I love you more."

"Okay, you do."


"Hays, for horses."

"I wanna go home."

"I know, I wanna see my mom and dad."

She looks down, "so do I." she whispers.

"I'm sorry baby."

"How about we go to the other part of the beach we can stay their for a while so my family and your family can cool off."


We walked until we found the beach. Laura laid down cuddling. In the sand. "Lay with me." she whispered.

"Okay." I lay with her, and hold her. Her eyes start to droop. "You know you can sleep?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking Ross. I don't know how but some how someway me and you ended up together again. We were in love as we were little and now we are in love again. We did bad things as we grew up. I didn't know that we would somehow end up together in the end. I wasted my tears thinking I would never see you again. I loved you. I moved on to fast and became a complete slut."

"Laura, look at me." She had tears running down her face. She turns her head. "I love you and you are not a slut. Fate wanted us together. We were just to young and dumb to realize that. I'm sorry I hurt you. I want to be there for you, and I tried but you pushed me away."

"I'm sorry." she yawned and then she was out like a light and so did I.


I was telling you that I am going to update a little bit shorter and slower because. Were are in school again and I have schoolwork because my grades are lower right. It's second quarter. I'm going to have updates but they are going to be on the weekends.

Thanks again,

Emmalee Lynch

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