Chpater 20

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WOOHOO!!! All three of my books have twenty chapters now. Thank you guys so much for 1.81K on this book. I didn't know this was cry ally good and I really didn't think anyone was going to read it. My new goal is 2.1K, but I understand that is never gonna happen, but it's okay.

You readers out there who are actually reading this. You are amazing and I am glad to have you recommend my books to your friends or anything and read my other two books.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, so I wrote this yesterday and now I'm at 1.84K on this book thanks so so so so so much. I hope you enjoy.

Okay new update at 2k thank you thank you thank you.

New chapter later tonight.


Ross POV

I look around before moving.

We were now all at camp.

"Okay we need jobs." Rikers states

We all nod or say yeah.

"Okay, Rocky and I will go collect wood. Gordy, Gus, Ryland you collect fire wood. Rydel, Ratliff, Ross and Laura you collect food. Lauren, Gator, Gillian, and Ash you collect leaves and more wood. The rest of you stay and pick a spot for the areas make sure you have enough room for like 20 of them maybe more. Make sure you write S.O.S on the beach in sticks or leaves. Make a fire and watch the babies."

"Okay." Gill B, Boston, Beauty, Emily, Erin, Evan, Amanda and of course Ryan all stay back.

"I'm gonna go collect the morning wood. If yeah know what I mean!" Rocky states with a sly smirk. He grabs Mandy's butt. She was giggling.

"I can't work with Ross." Laura whispered to Rydel.

Tears start to well in my eyes.

"Well you'll have to deal with it."

"More like break out in tears." she plainly states. She doesn't have as much emotion as she used to. No smile.

"Ratliff I need help." I whisper to him.

"With what, buddy?"


"Well you came to the right place."

"I hope so."

"So, what's up?"



"Can you help me get her back?"

"Uh, I don't know about that one. The other night on the cruise ship Laura was talking to Rydel about a guy. what if he is somewhere here too?"

"I'd be doomed, and that's only because I would kill him."

He chuckles. "Yeah." then he walks up and grabs Rydels hand. What the Hell is happening between them.

They were whispering so I didn't bother to ask.

This trip got really awkward and really fast.

Rikers POV

Rocky and I were the first back. We started building all of the tents. We had about three when Lauren's group got back with tons of leaves and stuff for cover.

"Riker, My mom taught Gillian, Ask and I how to make baskets with tropical leaves and other stuff."


"Can we make some baskets for food, water and other needs? We learned how to make blankets too."

"Okay. Make ton of blanket and get everyone you can to help you."

With that they were off making blankets and baskets for us all. I decide each tent should have eight blankets. The sand is getting really hot and the suns right over head. It must be about noon.

Laura's POV

Awhile back I stopped and made baskets out of leaves. We had four of our baskets filled to the top with coconuts.

We were at this little stream that had tons of little fish. We stopped and started to try and catch them.

We put those into two baskets. We also got bananas from the little trees. We started heading back with all of our findings.

When we got back. There was twenty tents, three big camp fires sand castles. Baskets of water. the water was prob from the fresh water stream. There are tons in there.

With each tent the were several leaf blankets stacked. They were just tying off the tents. We were all in bathing suits it's probably going to get cold.

Stranded (Raura/ Rinessa/ Rydelington story)Where stories live. Discover now