Saving you and More Babies?

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If you don't know I am changing my fomat and what people are say will have there name and and then what they are saying. What they are thinking will be in Italics and there will still be POV's.

Lauras Pov

I was sitting outside in the sand near the ocean tears streaming down my face. I am an aunt. Ross just became an Uncle to a Beautiful baby boy. Royce Lee Ratliff they decide to keep R's too. Vanessa, Riker, and Ryan are a happy family. Lauren and Gordy, Erin and Ryland, Rocky and Amanda. Everyone is happy.

That's when I over hear someone talking. I stand and walk towards the rocks it was coming from. It was Lauren and Gordy.

Lauren- What are we gonna do?! I'm pregnant and we are only 16!

Gordy- calm down Laur. We will worry about it later you only found out when you didn't get your period on time and you went to nurse and she said you were. She could've been wrong.

Lauren- I can't be a mom yet.

Gordy- (sighs) Can we still have sex of your only a month pregnant?

Lauren- I don't know.

Gordy- let's try.

He pulls up her shirt that the people gave her. and unzips her shorts. They were kissing and all she has on was a bra and underwear. She pulled up his shirt and then pull down his pants. And there goes his underwear and he bra. Okay Laura you need to turn around. It's not like you were a Virgon at 16 let alone 15 or 14.

I sigh and walk away leaving them to make there love.

Ross was obviously my first and at 13. The night before we moved on my 14th birthday. So technically 13, almost 14.

He told me he loved me and would meet again because he didn't want to lose me. I went on with life and had slept with 16 people within the next 4 years then we bump into each other again.

I don't know sleeping with those guys was recovery and my way of not missing Ross. The first few weeks after we left I was a complete mess. I cried and skipped school that was all I did. I wouldn't eat or come out of my room. This lasted for 6 weeks and I had lost 15 pounds in the process. I never told Ross about this thinking he would get mad.

Tears started to run down my checks again. I just want to die.

Ross is even happy. I look over towards him and he was flirting with one of the girls in the tribe. That makes me cry more and I started to run across the beach. I bumped into someone, but I kept running.

Ross POV

This woman kept bugging me about keeping an eye on Laura. I was looking at her then I glanced at Laura again. Then I listen to her with my eyes focused on my feet. My hen I turn to look at Laura again and she wasn't there.

I look around and she was no where. I back away from the woman. I start to run until I ran into someone. Not noticing who it was until she sprinted away. Then I noticed there was a necklace on the ground.

It was the one I have to Laura the day she left. I pulled mine off my neck and put the heart together. Stay with me -Ross

I feel warm tears running down my face. I smile and run after her.

When I hear her small cries. She was facing the other way.

I go up behind her and hug her she turns and cried into my chest.

Laura- I love you. Please never let me go. I miss you to much and I over react to much.

Ross- I will never let go of you. You please come back and never leave my arms.

Laura- ok.

I wipe her tears and grab her hand. Then we stop and we start aggressively kissing. We both needed this. I tug on the bottom of her dress.

Ross- can I?

She pulls it up for me exposing her yellow lace bra and underwear. Dude was she set up by the woman. I just stare and she pulls off my shirt and unzips my pants. We were both only in under garments.

This part wouldn't be like when we were thirteen this is adult style and we needed this. All the stress was relieved through the small actions.

Gordys POV

I hear a slight moan and I stop kissing Lauren and pull out of her. I grab her hand forgetting my we were pull naked and start walking towards the moaning. The next thing I see is two people in the ocean. It as Ross and Laura. Ross had his lips on Laura's neck.

Probably her sweet spot because she was moaning pretty loud. I look and Lauren and pick her up and I start running towards the water. No one was around except the two having sex in the water.

They didn't notice us until I sat Lauren in the water and swam out towards Ross and went behind him and grabbed Laura's butt and the grabbed Ross' but. They both jumped screaming and then noticed me.

Ross- why are you naked?

Gordy- Um...

Ross- Gordy!

Gordy- Same reason as you, I Guess.

Laura giggles and Ross high fives me.

Lauren walks up behind me hiding her drop dead gorgeous body. I hold her close to me.

Gordy- Ross can I talk to you later?

Ross- yeah sure.

Gordy- okay you can continue.

Ross- (whispers) dude you have to go first like push in her. Sex on the beach is best.

Gordy- (whispers back.) what if I already am in her?

Ross- kids these days.

Lauren giggles. I wasn't in her yet. I turned and started kissing her again. She put her hands around my neck. Considering we are only 2 years younger than Ross and Laura they were okay with this.

I know they lost the virginity at young age but I'm not sure when. I'll ask Ross later.

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