Epilouge(Last Kiss)

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(You guys should listen to the songs,

Last Kiss -T Swift
Love Yourself -J. Bieber

Yeah Guys I would get tissues.

Lol, maybe😉)

Laura's Pov

I had Wyatt sitting up in a seat next to all her aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa and cousins. They were all sleeping as I paced.

How Do you expect me to sleep? In such conditions. It's been hectic. But I meed him to survive this.

"laura Lynch?"

"Me..." I say walking forward.

----A few Hours later----

"I love you so much, baby. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you and will be with you another day. Probably not soon, but soon enough. I will do the best I possibly can for our daughter, and as you would wish or you asked for mw to move on after you, I know we found out a few months ago you had cancer, stage three, but why did the good lord have to take you now? Why me? We could've gotten through this. Together. And now? Now what? What am I supposed to do with our daughter? I can't raise her as good as you ever could. How am I gonna do this alone? You Ross are my everything and always will be. My first love and everything in between, and I want you to know I won't ever fully move on. Just please do flirt with to many girls up there. Wait for me?" I sighed. I grabbed his hand. "I don't know what to think right now. Your the only thing that comes to mind and how do I tell everyone else? Your fans, our fans, my fans. Our baby girl, wyatt? Your mom? Your dad? Your sister? Your brothers? Your Aunts? Your Uncles? Your cousins? How do I even tell myself this without dying inside, its because I can't I have to be strong for our baby girl. She looks just like you. I promise baby, I will be there for her, no matter the pain." I sighed once more kissing his cold hand. "I love you." I stood up from the chair I had sat in. "I love you Ross Shor Lynch."

With that I walked out of the room. I woke everyone up telling them the could say goodbye to Ross. The next few days were hard.

I will say one thing, that was the last day I saw Ross Shor Lynch. He had a closed casket funeral. And that was it. It was over. It was the end, I had eventually pulled through.

I eventually remarried, never forgetting though. My passion towards Ross was much more compared to my second husband David.

Wyatt adjusted fairly easily.

After that,

Wyatt Turned 5, my first son was named Ross Shor turned 2 the same year. With Rebel, my second daughter turning 1, the same year I got pregnant.

That was it. But let me remind you I will end up one say with my love, Ross Shor Lynch.

For now our love is separated and stranded on to different place waiting to be rejoined again one day.

(Triple update!! Whoop whoop.

Hope you guys enjoyed.


12/23/15 11:32pm

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