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Laura's pov

Let me say one thing, we are not stranded on that damn island anymore. I'm gonna miss it in a way but this is better for me for my family for everything about this.

Ross and I hopefully have a future and that Island won't be apart of it, but will always be apart of us. Thankfully, we are not stranded on day longer.

Gordy's Pov

It's over we aren't stranded I can raise my family in LA. I can grow old with the love of my life not Stranded on some island.

Lauren Pov

I'm going home. To my mom. To my dad. To everyone. I'm not gonna live the rest of my life stranded on an island. I get to grow up with out that.

Ross pov

"Mom!" I scream running up to my mom hugging her so tightly as all of my siblings gather around her.

"I love you guys so much." She whispers to us. "So, so much."

"We love you too mama." Rydel speaks for us all.

I'm the last to pull away from her and smile. Then we all look at our love ones with our children. Smiling third generation lynches.

"Oh my gosh!" My mother squeals. Hugging each and every one of them. Kissing there cheek. Telling them she missed them.

Wow... I missed this. A lot.

--3 Years Later--

Laura Pov

I walk into my house setting the groceries down on the counter. I see the baby in the crib by the Tv as some football game is on.

"Ross Honey, I'm home." I yell.

No answer.

Huh that's weird. "Ross?" I say questionably and look around him. "If you jump out at me I will hurt you Shor." I giggle.

Still nothing.

"Ross, please answer."


"Ross your starting to scare me." I start to look around the house. I first look in the babies room then I check our bed room. I check our bathroom.

Still nothing.

"Baby, please." I say getting really scared. "Ross!" I yell and start to freak out.

I hear a slight thud it sounded like it was coming from the hallway bathroom by the living room. I run that way making sure to look around just in case he's trying to scare me.

"Ross!" I say banding on the door. "Ross, open up now!" I was getting frustrated and scared.

Still no reply.

I run over to our bathroom and go through all the drawers recklessly trying to find a bobby pin. When I finally find one in the final drawer I look in I run back to the bathroom.

I slip it in the hole. "Baby I'm coming, Don't worry." I keep whispering. Hoping he will hear me and reply.

I finally hear it click. I barge into the room. To see my strong, husband on the floor. "Baby?"


"Baby, please. Come on."


I kneel down next to him. I notice he must have hit his head on the cabinet and there was puke in the toilet and it was really bloody. He also had a bloody nose.

"Ross baby?" I start crying frantically reaching for my phone. The first thing I have to do. Call 911. I type it into my phone fast and it starts to dial.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My... My Husband. Ambulance..."

"Ma'am please calm down."

"I NEED AN AMBULANCE!" I yell crying harder. I hold Ross' head in my lap. Stroking his blonde hair. "Baby, you'll be okay." I whisper to him. I had the phone on speaker.

He started coughing the began to puke up blood again making me cry harder.

"I'm so sorry baby. We will get you help soon. And everything will be okay."

With that he passed out again. I was just sobbing my eyes out until the EMT's burst through the front door scaring the baby, making her cry. Wyatt Marie Lynch.

As they were putting Ross on the stretcher putting a breathing mask on. I ran over to the baby, she can't see this. I pick up our two year old child.

I start to crying as I coo in her ear as I turn her to the window. So she can't see her father. We follow the crew into the ambulance. I sit next to him and grab his hand. I kiss his hand, by this time I was again sobbing to myself.

"I love you." I kiss his cheek and his hand. Then I lay my head on his hand. Wyatt, crying against my hair. "We will all be okay."


I hope you guys have a box of tissues for the next chapter and the epilogue.

Make a wish its 11:11, right now as I'm writing this.)

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