Chapter 15

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Vanessa's POV

We step into the hospital and I ask them if they can give me an ultra sound of my baby.

"Yes you will wait here and the doctor will be out In a little bit."

"Okay, thank you."

"You welcome sweetie."

We go sit down, "Rydel, I'm worried. What if I don't make it through the birth or if I do Riker breaks up with me!" I am now sobbing. Stupid hormones.

"He won't leave you."

"You promise?" I say like a little kid.

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" She say holding out her pinky.

"Vanessa Marano?" a nurse calls.

"Right here." when the nurse sees me her eyes widen.

"Uh...." she pauses, "Um, Wow. Right this way."

We follow her. She spreads this jelly stuff on my stomach. Then has the little wand scanner and rubs it a crossed my stomach. She looks at the screen in shock.

"I'll be right back."

She comes back in with the doctor. He looks at the screen in shock too.

"What?" I ask a little dumbfounded.

"Your having triplets, and they are due and minute." he says looking at the papers in his hand.

"What genders?"

"Two boys and a girl."

"Okay, so I am going to have my baby on this ship. Right here on this Disney cruise line."

"I'm sorry, but Yes. Quite frankly."

"Oh My God. I can't. Can you get me off this boat like now." I say.

"Um, yes. We can call the helicopter to pick you up and take you to a proper hospital."

"Uh... No." Then I feel wet in my pants. "Oh hell no!"

They look at me.

"Son of a bitch. Call Riker and Laura and everyone else." I scream. "Owe! oh my god it hurts!"

A bunch of nurses and doctors come in my room. I undress and put on a hospital dress. They set me in a wheel chair and wheel me off.

Rydels POV

As soon as I reach the pool that we were at I see Riker and Ratliff bickering.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you date my sister!" Riker scream.

"Oh, Come on! I am the best thing that has happened to her yet!"

"Bullshit!" he yells back.

Then they see me and Ratliff runs up and kisses me. He tastes of liquor and I push him off me.

"What the Hell is going on?" I say a bit angry. That I came back to this.

"Your pregnant?!?!" Riker yells at me.

"Uh, I was gonna wait to tell you. I just found out two days ago."

"Next time please tell me. I won't be worried about you. I really need to know you are my little sister."

"I know I'm sorry."

"It's okay little sis."

"Okay, big bro."

"I wish I had siblings." Ell mumbles under his breath.

"Oh I forgot to tell you Vanessa is in Child birth with your triplets."

"My what?!?!" he says shocked.

"Vanessa's having two boys and a baby girl."

"Oh my god." He starts running in the direction of the hospital.

We run after him.

Rikers POV

My babbies are being born and I am not even the slightest bit sober. I am drunk and will be hungover by tomorrow. My baby sister is pregnant. Oh my god.

That can't be. The ship hurts forward like it did earlier.

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