Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Ross Lynch and Laura Marano. You guys are my insperation. Thanks for beimg great

The picture is of Lauras Outfit.

Ross POV

I can't believe Riker. He left a huge welt on Laura's face.

I mean bright read hand print. Maybe just maybe Laura will realize that I am the right guy for her. Her True Love. I won't have sex with her, slap her, and leave her crying. Okay the sex ones a lie. I did take her virginity at 13... Whoops?

I wouldn't. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that. At least today at 6:00 he is leaving for Glee filming, and won't be coming back for three months. Right now all she needs is time away from him.

Laura POV

After he left I sat there and cried my eyes out. I held my hand to my cheek. I try and get dressed I put on a white crop top and pink skirt.

I heard Ross come in, but after that everything went blurry and I couldn't hear. I fell back and hit my head on my bed again.

Everything went black. I could hear slight voices.

"She will be fine Mr. Lynch, but you have to tell us who did this to her."

Riker. Why is he here? if I could I would probably start trembling, but I couldn't move I couldn't do anything. Stop freaking out that may be it's Ross.

"It's her boyfriend. He left after fight and slapping her. Riker, Riker lynch. They did 'it' and then I guess they were fighting when they woke up and he got mad and slapped her. She called me and I came over. When I went In to her room I started saying her name she fell back not answering me, and hit her head then her eyes closed. I knew she shouldn't have dated him. I was there all along and she chose my 23 year old brother. We are both the same age and we are only 19. He was four years older than us." That's when I hear slight crying sounds come from Ross mouth maybe.

"LAURA? My baby sister." Vanessa cries

"Ms. Marano is your sister?"

"Yes. we are four years apart. Who did this to her?"

"Mr. lynches brother."

"Which one of your brothers did this?"


"No, Riker would never do this."

Yes, yes he would. Welcome to the real Riker sis. We weren't even talking and your acting like everything fine. Yeah, I tried everything.

Ross POV

A coma. Laura my lovely Laura is in a coma. Great just great. I can't believe Rikers done this.

He would do this to the love of my life. He just left and it's been three days since he left and three day since she went into the coma. Why would he hit her so hard.

Three weeks later.

I have been sitting by Laura's bed side for three weeks straight. I have put a rose in the pot I bought one here everyday there are twenty two so far. I hope she wakes up soon.

Vanessa walks in and we sit there in peace and quiet for a while.

"Have you talked to Riker lately?" I ask her knowing they are dating. It hurts bad because technically Riker and Laura are still dating.

"Yeah this morning. He can't get off the glee set early to see Laur."

"Oh, that's good. Look at the bruise still on her face."

"I know, but Ross he still is your brother."

I ignore what she said. "Can I be alone with Laura for a minute?" I ask Nessa.

"Yes, you can. I know you like her."

"Pfft, Noo!" I say then she gives me that look, "Okay I like her a lot, no I am in love with her."


Laura's POV

I can hear everything around me but I cant move or open my eyes.

"Can I be with Laura a minute alone?"

"Yes, you can. I know you like her."

"Pfft, no!" he says I break a little inside I know I am still dating Riker. We never officially broke up. We just need a little time away. "Okay I like her a lot, no I'm in love with her" he loves me oh my Gosh. He loves me.

Vanessa walks out of the door, "I know you probably can't hear me but Laura I'm in love with you and I was broken hearted when you told me that you and Riker were dating and you did 'it' with him. It made me want to strangle both of you, but I can't hurt you. I would never hurt you. When you called me and told me what Riker did all I could think about is how much better I could be for you. You have been in this stupid coma for three weeks. I miss you." I feel one of his tears on my cheek.

I start to open my eyes wow it's really blurry and bright.

Ross POV

After my speech Laura's eyes start to open. She tries to get up and I help her. We hug and then she goes limp in my arms and stops breathing. I set her back on her hospital bed and run out to find flashing lights and nurses and doctors running in the room.

"Sir you have to leave. We need space."

"No Laura." I say firmly.

"Please, sir."

"My Laura is in there dying I need to be with her."

"Sir you need...." he gets cut off by Vanessa.

"Come on Ross." I start to sob and she escorts me out to where my family is. I see Riker running in. That straighten me up, and I get filled with anger.

"Hey..." He says before I cut him off with a slap to the face, "What the hell was that for?"


"Boys please STOP!" My mother yells at us.

"Okay mother." Riker huffs.

"She is dying, because of you! She stopped breathing! She has bruises all over her. You practically abused your girlfriend. She thinks she's still dating you." I whisper the last two sentences.

"I'm not dating her." he simply says.

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