Chapter 12

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Rydels pov

"We should switch tops." Laura says looking at us i the mirror. Its been two weeks since the baby thing.

Ross has been even more over protective.

"Sure." We take off our tops and put each others on.

"Are you almot done?" Ross says. She has on my Mint green top and her pink bottoms. then I have her pink top and my mint green bottoms. It actually looks raelly cute.

"One second." We pack a bag with four towel, 200 hundered dollars, our phones and a change of clothes.

"What are you wearing missy?" Ross asks as he examines what she was wearing.

"A bathing suit what are you wearing?"

"We are meeting my friends. I really dont want my friends admiring you. I mean I love its just shows a lot of body."

"Babe, I got pregnant with you I want you to know that you are my world and no one can change that. You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You want to love everyway you can and I love you for that. You have changed so much. You were that sweet non caring little boy that I loved more than you would ever know its just I like how you matured. How we grew together. Maybe I thought I should be with Riker, But I was wrong. I love you and only you."

"Lau..." I cut him off.

"NO, I want to dress like this I am not the same as I was when I was 13. Maybe at 13 I wouldn't of worn this, but you shouldve saw what I wore back home. What I did. I have a confession, I did do it at 16 I am not a virgin and I remember when we did it at 13. Okay it replays in mind. I remember when we moved at 14 my mom put me on birth conrol. She didnt trust me and niether do you."

"Laura I...."



"HAVE FUN WITH THAT FUCKIN SLUT MAIA!" She screams and runs out of the place with the bag.

Ross is about to go after her, "Give Her Time Ross."

"She didnt even let me say anything, and If I would've she would've been even more pissed."

"Lets just go to the pool. Vanessa and Riker will meet us there."

Tears start running down his face.

"What did I do? I messed my whole life up! Why is life so fucked up sometimes?"

"Man, I dont know. Let her talk to her sister and then she will come back cooled down. Just make sure you dont drink anything, and dont go crawling to maia like you did when you were 14 and 15."


"So, Are we ready?" I ask. I really do want to go to the pool and slides and have fun with my siblings and the little ones. i almost forgot. Beauty, Gordy, Lauren, Boston, Gator, and Gill B. are all with us in the room. seeing Ross and Laura fight. They might have some questions about words Im not willing to tell them about yet.

"You guys ready to go?" I turn to them.

Gordy and Lauren were Ghost white.

"Whats wrong?'

"Well tell you in a second."

"Yeah." Lauren agrees with Gordy. Uh-Oh.

We go out the door and Ross, Ratliff, and I look at gordy and Lauren.

"What Did they ask?"

"Beauty asked what a Virgin was, and then Gill B asked what Birth Control was. After that Boston asked about what Ross said. qouting what he said, 'Why is life so fucked up? What does that mean?'"

"It wasnt as bad as it couldve been. Just make sure they dont repeat anything." I say.

"Im sorry guys."

"Nothing to be sorry about man." Gordy pats his back, and so does Ratliff.

"You'll Be okay." We walk to the water park.




Okay, Heres the chapter. In the video clik on it and watch it. it has photo for the cruise and sleeeping arrangments. Oh that is Laura and Rydels Bathing suit.

Thanks so much for reading,

~Emmalee Lynch

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