Chapter 10

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Vanessa POV

Twenty minutes later

"The baby." is all he says to us.

"What about the baby?"

"The babies dead."

My heart is broken my baby sisters baby is gone because some moron pushed her off the railing.

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Rylands POV

Ten minutes earlier

"So are you single?"

"Yeah, why are you asking?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date sometime."

"Yes, Ryland, I will go on a date with you."

"Okay, Erin see you at eight. how about we meet at Olive Garden."

"Yeah, is that right next to the buffet?"


"Okay, see you at eight." she leans in and kisses my cheek. "Here's my number."

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Ten minutes earlier

Me and Emmalee really hit it off. Like instantly we made connections.

"So, Emmalee where do you live?"


"You do? We're moving to Cali."

"Yeah. We heard we are getting new neighbors soon."

"Cool." I hope were the new neighbors.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but Gus we really have to go." Emmalee and I gave each others phone numbers, and went our separate ways.

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Emmalees POV

One hour after

I got Gus Meyers' number. How exciting. I heard someone is moving in next to us from Colorado, Gus lives in Colorado.

Ryland and Erin really hit it off. I mean big time they have a date tonight. Wow it's so exciting. Erin has been freaking out for an hour trying to find something to wear.

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Rydels POV

We have been in the hospital waiting room for more than an hour. I can't sit here anymore. I am pacing waiting for knew except my baby brothers baby is dead.

I am 100% sure that it was Maia. What does she do with her life. She could've killed anybody, but sweet loving Laura. Ross' love of his life.

I get it Maia likes Ross. She was getting revenge from in teen beach movie 2 him refusing to kiss her slutty ass.

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Rikers POV

Vanessa and Ross have been sobbing on me for what feels like hours.

"Laura Marie Marano?" A doctor asks. Ross is the first to shoot up.

"Here!" he screams nervous but excited to hear the news.

"Okay, well it seems Ms. Marano was pushed and has Ben affected from Severe memory loss. She will remember you with time, but at the moment only one or two of you that are really important to her. She will not remember recent times. So if you are newly meeting her. She won't remember you. Someday maybe, but not anytime soon. You guys can see her if you'd like."

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Beauty POV

Lauren, Gordy, Ashton, Gillian and I are in a group together. We walk in and I see Laura. Ross' beautiful girlfriend pale white and no baby tummy. She is laying there feeling her stomach.

"Hey, Laura." Bradley starts.

"Hey laur." Gordy says I stay silent.

"Hey Lauren, Ash, Gilly, Gordy, and Beauty. Can you guys tell me what happened to my baby?"

"You were pushed over the railing. It could have been worse, but your stomach saved you." Lauren explains being the oldest behind Gordy.

"Okay, can you tell Ross I need to talk to him."

"Yup." Gordy said popping the "p".


Hope you guys like the chapter. Maybe another one tomorrow. Comment if you liked it.

Thanks guys and Love ya😘,

Emmalee lynch🙈🙉🙊

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