Chapter 11

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Here's another update hope you enjoy!

-Emmalee Lynch😘😍😜


Laura's POV

I didn't want to cry in front of anybody. So I had Lauren call Ross in the Room.

As soon as I see his red puffy eyes I sit up and begin to sob.

"I wasn't ready to be a mother."

"Laura, you would've done fine."

"No, Ross we are too young we can date get married then have kids, but I can't be a mother I want to party be able to have fun. I want to party. What if I died? what If I went to jail? what would you do with the kid? what if we broke up? of course I could've handled it, but I would've been heart broken."

"I understand. I know I didn't want to be a dad yet I'm not even twenty one. I just wanted to grow up faster. Next time we do it I should wear a condom."

"Ya think." I giggle.

"Hey, it's a two person job. You should've been on Birth control."

"Maybe. I wouldn't have periods anymore."

"I love you." he leans and so do I. Our lips connect.

We hear some awes and then someone clears their throat. Ross and I pull away.

"Okay with that....."

Gordy POV

"Can you here anything?" Lauren asks me. Gus and Ryland are sitting on the bench in some sort of day dream. My oldest brother and Youngest cousin keep mumbling something like 'date.' or 'Erin/Emmalee' or 'They were so sexy.'

"No." Then we fall back as Laura and Ross push the door open.

"What are you doing?"

"We weren't spying on you guys." Gill B and Gillian say at the same time. She looks at him and he winks making her blush and giggle. Then look at her shoes.

"Then what were you doing?"

"I dropped my hair clip." Lauren says.

Ashton walks up to Laura and says, "They had their ears on the door and were trying to hear what you were saying."

Ross chuckles, "Thanks little man." he gives him a high five.

"I thought I was your little man." Gator whines crossing his arms running away and going over to Ryland. To cry in between his legs.

"Great look what I did." Ross says walk over to Gator and picking him up.

We all walk over to them.

"You are still my little man, but you gotta know that I have tons of little mans. You will always be my mini me and I will always love you."

"Wow he's gonna be a great dad." Laura whispers.

"You should've saw him when we were all babbies and when he got his first puppy then when it died. We had a whole funeral. He gave a speech and invited our whole family out there."

"Wow. He's just so adorable."

"Yeah, I guess?"

"So, I heard you and Lauren like each other."

"Pfft, no." That's when I see Lauren. Her eyes start to water and she runs out of the hospital. "Lauren!" I am about to run to her.

"Leave her be. She needs some girl time right now."


So hope you liked it. I am now righting a story on my IG.

Guys I was so excited! I GOT A TWITTER! My IG, Kik, and Twitter are all the same.

@r5ers_onlyr5 so if you guys want to follow.

Comment your thoughts. If you would.

I really need some ideas for this book to get to a certain point. So please leave comments.

Good Night! hope you enjoyed. And don't forget to




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