Chapter 16

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Rikers POV

I never drink anymore that Vanessa can't and with the baby and all.

It's just that with all that has happened I need to cool off a little bit. Vanessa is huge, and I mean not like one baby is in there.

Not to be mean. She is prettier than ever, and I love her to death.

"I got Rydel Pregnant." Ratliff states matter of a factly.

"You what?" wondering how drunk he really is.

"I told I got Dell Prego."

"You knocked my sister up?"


"How do you know?"

"I was there stupid."

"I know you were there. I'm glad it was you and not some other guy."

That's when Rydel comes running towards us.

"" She mumbles out of breath.


After catching her breath she says "Nessa is giving birth. Right now to your triplets."

"Oh my god and I'm here he there." I get up from my stool and run. I run so fast I pushed a few people over.

I missing the birth of my babies.

I get in there.

"Vanessa Marano?" I ask the lady frantically.

"Calm down let me look."

"How can I calm down my babies are being born at this second and I am not in there."

"They already have been born."

"See. Oh my god I missed it."

"Sir, I have something to tell you about Vanessa and the babies."

"What?" I say dumbfounded.



Read my new story My savor (Riker Lynch story.)

Plus I am writing my new story The Football Player.

So, I went to my first Ohio state game this weekend it was AWESOME, and I have one thing to say it will not be my last for sure.


I love you guys so much because I come home from the football game and my stories were updating and I look my one story sys 1k then my other two weren't published yet. Then this one has a little over 900 reads. This is my favorite story to write apart from My Savor and the football player. (The football player will be coming soon.) I just enjoy every second of writing.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much. I love you guys.



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