Chapter 1

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[ Hey guys! This is yet another taekook ff (lol I know there are too many already). But it was more inspired by the recent situation with what happened to Jimin in Russia and the rest you'll mostly know. I was thinking of a way to get it out of my head, and voila! A story popped in my head. I feel like I'll enjoy writing this one! I hope you guys like it too! Let me know your thoughts and show some love with votes! ]


Taehyung didn't know who was more stupid - him or Jimin.

He had followed Jimin through out his visit in Russia, and now he sat a couple of feet away, hiding in a nearby cafe and watching the drama unfold.

Taehyung couldn't understand how it had happened, how they had found him, but it didn't matter, they had caught on to Jimin and there was no saving him unless...

This is where, Taehyung's mind had called him out, and taunted him for being this stupid. It was one thing to help out Jimin but another to carry out the suicidal act he was planning in his head.

Should he go or should he not?

Taehyung bit his lower lip, deep in thought and eyes focused on Jimin.

He was a famous idol now, and it was common for him to be surrounded by screaming fans, girls and boys alike, and have them asking for his autograph.

But this particular trip had been under wraps and not many knew, aside from his staff, and his best friend who had come along on this trip, and of course Taehyung knew it as well. But Taehyung wasn't one of the fans. He was only in the picture to keep an eye on Jimin.

Nothing more and nothing less.

It had been like that ever since he had caught glimpse of Jimin and his celebrity status back in Seoul. Taehyung had made sure to keep an eye on him. It was his job after all.

There was nothing else left in his life, except to keep a watch over them.

"OMG! JIMIN! I'm such a huge fan!" one of the girls screamed and she pushed the others to the side, and thrust a piece of paper into Jimin's hand. He looked at her, gave her a small smile and signed the paper. The rest stood in line, waiting for their turn.

Taehyung couldn't really blame Jimin for getting caught. Somehow, the fans had managed to pry on his private schedule and found out about his personal information, Taehyung guessed. It couldn't be that much of a coincidence that approximately forty fans had found him in the city. Not all of them could have suddenly decided that they wanted to go out on a stroll and just happened to have spotted Jimin.

Taehyung sighed and sipped on his cappuccino.

As he watched, the crowd seemed to grow in numbers. People who weren't aware what was going on, but had a sense of curiosity as to which celebrity had got caught by fans, stood behind Jimin's fans and craned their necks to get a better look at him.

He really should have posted that clip after he flew back to Korea, Taehyung thought.

Jimin was a regular on social media, and he took it upon himself to post about cafes and restaurants he visited and the food he liked. Having a million followers online, on his account, gave whoever he posted about, a free advertisement and rise in revenue.

It had been the same with the restaurant he had posted about while in Russia. And his fans had connected the dots and drawn an estimate and map of where he could be.

"You really should be careful, Jiminie." Taehyung whispered and pushed aside the cappuccino. It had gone cold, and he was no longer in the mood to drink it. His mind was on Jimin and the hundred or so people surrounding him.

If the authorities weren't called in, Jimin could get hurt.

But knowing Jimin, the ever softhearted idol everyone loved, Taehyung guessed he had ignored his friend's frantic message. The said friend had thrown up his hands and flipped out his phone, but Jimin caught his hand and shook his head. He wasn't going to call for help, nor was he going to let his friend do it.

"Typical." Taehyung sighed and shook his head.

He placed the bills on the table, tucked below the coffee mug and walked out of the cafe, towards the crowd.

From kids to women and men in their forties, everybody now wanted Jimin's autograph. Those who hadn't known he was there, had now taken out their phones and were clicking pictures of their favorite idol. Jimin's smile stayed on his face, but Taehyung picked out the twitch near his left eye.

He was close to breaking now, still, he was holding up well. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at the thought.

No matter what, Jimin never knew when to give up.

Even right now, when things were slowly becoming worse, when the tables had turned against him, he still wanted to win the fight and kill them with kindness.

But, when it came to humans, Taehyung had learned one thing.

Sometimes it was best to spell it out for them, and let them know that it was not what they thought, and that it was best to reject their approach and proposals when needed.

This Jimin had yet to learn when to put down his foot.

When Taehyung was close enough to see Jimin, and his slightly wide eyes, worry and a hint of fear in them, he stopped walking.

One of the fans was dangerously close to falling on him, with the way the crowd was pushing and pulling.

Taehyung lifted his hands and pressed his palms together. "Time." he whispered and closed his eyes.

A rush of air, a burning in his limbs - traveling down his hands to the center of his heart and the beginning of a throbbing ache started in Taehyung's head, but he ignored it, and let the pain rush through, lighting up his body. Another deep breathe and Taehyung threw out the sizzling energy into the crowd and the block surrounding them.

A minute passed and another, and a peaceful calm greeted his ears.

Taehyung knew it had worked even before he opened his eyes.

Silence filled his ears, and Taehyung looked around, appreciating his work.

Each and every living thing had frozen, caught in his time, and waiting to do his bidding.

"Ah, I missed this." Taehyung muttered with a smile and made his way to where Jimin stood frozen like the others.

For a minute he contemplated whether he should wake up his friend, but that would mean letting him in on the secret as well.

No, Taehyung decided it had to be Jimin, and only Jimin this time.

He was already risking everything, using his time on this Jimin, but it couldn't be helped.

Taehyung reached out, touching Jimin's arm and whispered. "Wake up."

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