Chapter 16

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"What do you mean the person isn't here, Jisoo?" Taehyung let out a frustrated huff. "You said someone was waiting downstairs for me." 

The girl in front of him, twisted her fingers in her hands, and stared at the reception desk, as if it was the most interesting thing to her right now. "I-I can't find him anywhere." She said, still looking at the desk.

Taehyung sighed. He hadn't meant to make Jisoo uncomfortable, but he had had a rough night. He barely got any sleep, with everything on his mind, the dreams of Jungkook and the recent meeting with the Jungkook of this dimension – it had taken a toll on him. The memories had plagued him through the night, and just when he was about to take a quick nap, before heading out, Jisoo had interrupted his chance of peaceful sleep.

And now, the reason why she had knocked on his door, the unknown person who had an urgent message for him, was nowhere to be seen.

Had someone pretended to want to meet him just to get Jisoo away from her reception desk? But why bother to do so? Taehyung wondered. It wasn't like there was anything special about the building to begin with.

"Maybe he went somewhere and will be back in sometime." Jisoo said, but Taehyung gave her a flat look.

He was in no mood of waiting any longer. "We've already waited for what...fifteen or twenty minutes and he still hasn't come back."

"Are you sure you weren't sleepy this morning and just imagined this guy?" Taehyung asked.

Jisoo puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms across her chest. "You wish. I know what I saw Taehyung-ssi. There was a guy who wanted to meet you. I didn't imagine it. Nor am I lying."

Jisoo didn't address the other tenants the way she did Taehyung. She didn't share the same friendship with the others. And just for their friendship and because Jisoo had helped Taehyung rent the apartment at a lower price then was set by the landlord, he decided to believe her.

"Okay." He said after the awkward pause between them. "I'll believe you."

Jisoo broke into a relived smile, and Taehyung felt bad for making her feel tense before. "I'm just lacking sleep and food in my system." Taehyung said and gave her a chuckle.

"I know. I too didn't want to wake you up." Jisoo said. "Sorry about that, but the person said it was urgent and I believed it." She said, apologizing to him.

"It's fine." Taehyung turned back to look out at the main street, still partially shrouded in shadows and sighed. "Fuess, I'll just go back to my apartment. Seems like whoever this person was, was bluffing."

"Yes." Jisoo's face fell, disappointment evident on her face. "Sorry, I woke you up like that."

"It's alright. Don't think about it now. It was just someone, wanting to irritate me."

"Although I can't help but wonder who would want to do that?" Taehyung muttered to himself as he turned away, reaching for the stairs.

But as he walked to the first step something caught his eye. A silver glint flashed across his peripheral vision and Taehyung glanced at the thing fallen on the floor.

It was a bracelet, made up of silver beads and writing on one of the beads.

Taehyung stayed rooted to the spot. He didn't even need to pick it up or check who it belonged to, because it was custom made, and a favorite accessory of a certain someone – someone Taehyung had decided to avoid.

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