Chapter 35

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"Jimin-ssi?! Are you alright?"  

Jungkook entered after Taehyung, but Jimin was still recovering from the shock.

He hadn't known the strength and speed with which Taehyung would grab him. He was lying a couple feet from the strange room, Taehyung's hand wrapped around his waist, and his harsh breath on his neck.

"Why couldn't you let it go?" The whisper came from behind Jimin, and the hand holding him disappeared. The weight pressed to his back shifted and Jimin sensed Taehyung getting up.

He followed suit, sitting up, but didn't dare to face Taehyung.

Jungkook on the other hand stood at the edge of the room, and Jimin cast a quick glance in his direction. Worry and fear darkened his face, and his eyes darted between Jimin and Taehyung. With a slight shake of his head, Jimin signaled the youngster to stay out of this.

This time Jungkook wasn't involved, and Jimin wanted to keep it that way. Only Jimin was responsible for snooping around Taehyung's apartment, and he would bear the consequences.

"Why did you think spying on me was a good idea?" Taehyung asked. His voice still a whisper.

It would have been better if he had yelled, because then Jimin wouldn't have heard the hurt in his voice.

"I thought-"

"You thought walking into that room would reveal my secrets to you?" Taehyung placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder, and the other fought hard not to flinch.

With a slight pressure, Taehyung made Jimin turn to face him.

He was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, just like Jimin. There was no anger on his face, in fact, Taehyung had put on his best poker face and Jimin couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"You thought this room that I hid from the outside world would give you an idea of how dangerous I was?" His head cocked to the side, and at that moment, the inhuman-ess of Taehyung jumped out.

His eyes were blank and skin pale. Why wasn't he pissed at what Jimin had done? Why wasn't he shouting his head off?

"Yes." Jimin gave a slow nod. Maybe him admitting it, would bringing out some reaction.

"And what did you find out?" Taehyung asked, in the same monotone voice.

"Well I couldn't find anything because you stopped me!" Jimin let a bit of frustration into his voice, not happy with how things had gone.

He had wanted to walk around that rippling room, with the bed and colorful paintings, but Taehyung had pulled him out. Why?

"Of course I had to stop you!" Taehyung snapped.

Finally some reaction, Jimin thought.

"Why?! Why did you stop me?" Jimin wasn't going to back down now. If they were going to fight then so be it. Maybe now, Taehyung would let slip what the mystery was all about.

"Why?!" Taehyung stared at him as if he had gone mad. "You break into my apartment, and try to poke and probe around for my secrets and you have the audacity to ask me why? Why Jimin-ah?" The rage was peeking out of his composed mask now and Jimin stood up, taking a hesitant step back.

The movement, somehow angered Taehyung more.

"You think I would allow you to enter that room?!" Taehyung stood up as well, breathing heavy and glaring at him.

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