Chapter 39

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"In here." Jimin's bodyguard said to Taehyung, minutes after he arrived at the SKYLARK, and guided him to the gym.

Taehyung peered inside, noticing a lot of guys either stretching or working out. In one corner he noticed a group of girls doing a Zumba routine while Taylor Swift songs played in background and further in the corner was the entrance to lockers and probably shower stalls.

He never understood the obsession humans had with exercise and the frequent visits to gym, to maintain their body weight. But then again, he had never gotten fat or reached a point where he was uncomfortable within his own body. Being an immortal had a few perks, and one of it was staying the same weight as he was when the curse was put on him. He had been in his late twenties back then, and his body structure had remained the same.

"Taehyung! You came!" Someone said and Taehyung turned towards the voice.

And he regretted doing so the next instant.

Taehyung's breath was knocked out of his chest, and his mouth went dry at the sight before him.

Jungkook stood before him, covered in sweat and a towel wrapped around his neck, gym shorts and very shirtless. The trail of sweat down his toned abs and stomach, and down to the low V-line disappearing under the shorts, made Taehyung tense up.

Couldn't he have worn a shirt before meeting with Taehyung?

It had been ages since he had seen Jungkook half-naked like this and it was doing dangerous things to his body. Taehyung tried to breathe through his mouth, which was open at the sight, but even then, the air he tried to gulp down was hot and he blinked a few times.

"Like what you see?" Jungkook gave him a cheeky grin. He had caught Taehyung staring, and now was enjoying his mortification.

Honestly, this brat was going to be the death of him, and for the first time in this timeline Taehyung wanted to smack Jungkook upside his head.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about?" Taehyung averted his gaze, but not before stealing another glance at the god-like body. Why was he always this bulky, muscle pig? Couldn't Jungkook have had a lean athletic figure like Taehyung for this life time?

The sight of this shirtless Jungkook trigged a long forgotten, buried memory and the temperature rose up a notch.

Another Taehyung and Jungkook wrapped around each other, bodies sweaty and sticky, and unbelievably close. The half-naked Jungkook moaning under Taehyung and the sounds of-

No....No! Taehyung shook his head. He couldn't and wouldn't think about those times.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Jungkook's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "What kinky stuff are you thinking about?"

"W-What?" If he had felt the brief spell of mortification before, right now, Taehyung wanted to disappear inside a hole and stay there.

"Your face is red like a tomato." Jungkook said, trying to keep a straight face and failing. Taehyung could have sworn he saw something in his eyes, before it turned to crinkled smiles and teasing. "A penny for your thoughts, Taehyung-ssi?"

"I-It's nothing." Taehyung muttered and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why aren't you getting ready? We're going to be late otherwise." He said, even though he was still clueless as to where they were going.

He refused to look at Jungkook, and he could still hear the amused giggle spill from the youngster's mouth.

That guy was enjoying Taehyung's slip-up a bit too much.

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