Spinning [2] - Jake Kiszka

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Another part, who am I?


"How did you manage to convince me to do this?" Y/N asked as she unpacked supplies from her car and brought them over to the boys as Jake and Danny set up chairs around the fire that Sammy was building.

"If I remember correctly, you got very giddy about the idea of camping out for the night." Josh said, walking up behind her holding an armful of various types of alcohol.

"I somehow forgot that it gets cold out here at night."

Josh leaned in closer to her so that only she could hear him, "I'm sure Jakey wouldn't mind keeping you warm tonight."

She turned to him with a stern look, and a blush overtaking her face.

"Oh come on, don't give me that look, don't you remember what we talked about so very long ago at the red rocks amphitheater?"

"Which night?" She asked, choosing to act oblivious in the hopes of avoiding the conversation.

"Come on Y/N... second night... soundcheck. I know you remember."

Red Rocks Amphitheater... one night to remember... one night she'll never forget.

The boys had invited her out for the two nights that they would be performing at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, she couldn't make it for the first night, but she was bound and determined to make it to the second to see her boys doing what they love, so she got to Colorado as fast as she could.

Josh met her at the airport when she touched down, and was quick to embrace her with their signature hug, which meant her feet were once again off the ground within minutes of being off the plane.

"By the way, Jake doesn't know you're coming." Josh said as he placed her back on solid ground and picked up one of her bags for her.

She looked at him with shock as he strolled off casually.

"Josh!" She exclaimed as she jogged to catch up with him.

"Yes my dearest." He replied.

"Why doesn't Jake know that I'm here?"

"Thought it would be a fun surprise, for both of you really." He explained.

She walked beside him in silence for the duration of the walk to the car, but once they had gotten in they struck up a conversation like nothing else was going on.

The thing about Josh was, being Jake's twin, and Y/N's best friend, he knew everything.


He knew that Y/N and Jake had been in love with each other since high school at least, but she knew the Kiszka family since childhood, so they've always been inseparable.

Arriving at the venue, she could hear the soundcheck as Sam played around on keys.

"Put this on, keep your head down, and come to the stands with me." Josh said, handing you a baseball cap and continuing on his way to the seats.

Y/N was once again utterly confused, but obliged with her strange friend. Nearly tripping over herself to catch up with him.

They sat down and watched Sam play for a few minutes before he stood up to go off stage and talk with the tech guys, but not before looking at his phone, then into the stands.

"You gonna say hi to Sammy?" Josh asked, leaning over to her.

She lifted her cap from her covered face, and smiled at the lanky boy on the stage, sending him a friendly wave. Sam waved back and smiled before practically skipping off stage.

"He's not going to tell Jake is he?" She asked, as she readjusted her cap to cover her face once again.

"Of course not, him and Danny are in on the plan, the only one that doesn't know you're here is Jake." Josh explained.

"What is your plan here Josh?" Y/N asked. She knew the boy was brewing up something in that excellent brain of his, but she just wasn't sure exactly what it could be.

"Listen to me carefully Y/N, you and I both know that you and Jake are head over heals for each other -"

"Josh it's -" She tried to interject, but he kept talking.

"I am convinced that you are my soulmate Y/N, but not in a romantic way I promise, that would be weird. You and I are meant to be in each others lives, to guide one another and be there for each other as long as we are in each others lives. Do you understand?" He asked.

"Yes Jake, I understand, but what does this have to do with Jake?" She asked, and as if on cue she heard the sound of a '61 Les Paul play over the speakers.

She raised her head, just enough to see Jake standing center stage, doing his signature tilt as he played a few riffs before walking to his pedals, continuing to play as he walked around.

She couldn't help the look of adoration that spread across her face as she watched him play, and Josh took notice, as always.

"That is what I mean Y/N, you look at him like he is the only person in the universe. Do you know what a twin flame is?" He asked.

"Josh, look me in the eye and ask me that question again. Of course I know."

"Alright, so it should be blatantly obvious why I think you and Jake are meant for more than just staring at each other when the other isn't looking and wishing for something more than friendship."

She stared at him for a few moments, dumbfounded by what he had just said. She didn't think he was wrong. She couldn't deny that she loved Jake more than she could even try to describe, but they were friends, and that's all they ever had been.

"Did you know that he calls you his girl?" Josh asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, every time he has said it he gets all flustered and tries to change the subject as quickly as possible." She said, a smile spread across her face.

"I don't just mean accidentally saying it to you Y/N, I mean when your not around, he lets it slip so often, it's actually sickening how much he adores you."

She looked from Josh to Jake, who was riffing on stage, when a loud call came from beside you.

"JAKEY!" Josh screamed, waving his arms around in an attempt to get his brothers attention.

Jake looked around with a confused look on his face, still plucking away on his guitar, but he smiled when he caught sight of his twin waving like a mad man in the stands. She took this as a que from Josh, and lifted her head, taking off the hat and waving Jake.

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