Window (1) - Luke Hemmings

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High-school AU, think 2016 5sos for reference as to how they would look in this story.

This is going to be a multi part imagine, so don't worry if it seems like it stops at an odd time.

Y/N's P.O.V -

It's Friday night, and as I receive snapchats from friends attending a party, I sit alone in my room writing an essay for my english class. I don't really feel like I'm missing out. I've been dragged to enough parties to know that I'd prefer sit at my desk and listen to music rather than be pushed around by a bunch of people I don't really like, in an environment that just gives me a headache.

I rolled up the shades that cover my window, as no sun was shining though at eleven o'clock in the evening. What I saw across the way from my house didn't surprise me. My neighbors curtains were shut, but the light was on. This is how it usually is when it comes to Luke, though he's a teenage boy, so I'm not shocked to see the dull gray curtains, only the slightest bit open.

My headphones drowned out any noise from my brothers and their friends downstairs, probably playing X-box and fighting over a bag of crisps. It also silenced my phone, which I had face down on my desk, meaning I didn't see, or hear, the amount of snapchats I was getting, or the text I received.

As I typed out the third paragraph in my essay, becoming more and more engrossed in my grammatical errors, I noticed movement coming from the neighbors house. I tore my eyes away from my laptop and looked out of window to see Luke staring at me from his window. I tilted my head and raised one of my eyebrows, curious as to why he was staring at me.

He noticed me staring back, and promptly lifted his phone, pointing at it, then pointing at me. I got the hint and grabbed my phone. I turned it over to see that I had received a text from Luke ten minutes ago.

Luke(from next door): Could you tell your brothers to shut up

Y/N: And why would I do that?

Luke(from next door): Because if you dont I'll tell your parents about the guy you smuggled into your room last week

Y/N: How do you know about that?

Luke(from next door): My window is right across from yours

Y/N: Right... I'll tell them to keep it down

Luke(from next door): Thanks

I stood from my desk and walked out of my room, swiftly making my way downstairs, where my brothers were wresting with their friends over a FIFA game

"Hey you wankers, shut the fuck up, some of us are trying to concentrate." I said as I walked up to them.

"Oh get stuffed Y/N, some of us are trying to have fun." Ian, one of my brothers stupid friends, said from his position on the couch across the room.

"I'm in charge tonight, in case you forgot, so next time I have to come downstairs I will kill you all." I said.

"FINE! Can you leave us alone now please?" Joel, my youngest brother, said.

"Yeah, but I'm taking a piece of pizza." I replied.

I walked up to the coffee table and took a slice of pizza from the box, eliciting groans from the boys littered throughout the tv room.

I made my way back upstairs and sat back at my desk. When I looked back across the way, I saw that Luke's curtains had been closed once again.

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