9-1-1 - Evan Buckley (4)

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[January 4th, 5 p.m]
Y/N's P.O.V -

"Maddie please, I don't know what to do, he's your brother, don't you know everything?" I begged over the phone.

"You know Buck, he is very flirty, but sometimes he doesn't get the hint. Just ask him on a date, and not that you need to, but you could butter him up. You've got a shift with him tonight right? Make dinner for the station, we both know he loves your cooking." Maddie replied.

"Okay... yeah.... I can do that. Maddie you are the best person ever, I love you!" I said, getting off of my couch and making my way to the kitchen.

"Any time Y/N, you know I'm rooting for you two to get together, I think everyone is." She replied, a light giggle escaping as she spoke.


My timing, as always, was impeccable. Just as I closed my car door, casserole dish in hand, the fire engine pulled into the station.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face when I saw Buck jump out of the truck, so full of energy.

"Y/N! You're early, I thought your shift didn't start till seven." Eddie said when he caught sight of me.

"Thought I'd come in early with some dinner, figured you'd be getting take out tonight." I explained, slightly raising the casserole dish and grocery bag.

Buck turned quick at the mention of my name, I'm not even sure he heard what I said, he seemed to busy drinking in my appearance to pay attention to the food.

"So what's for dinner?" Chimney asked, walking towards me and eyeing the casserole dish like a vulture.

"Chicken Alfredo penne, I also got stuff to make Caesar salad and garlic bread." I replied, handing Chim the bag when he extended his hand to take it from me.

"You spoil us, we'll be up in a minute to help you out." Bobby said as he rounded the corner of the ladder truck.

Chim carried the bag up to the kitchen with me, then washed his hands before helping to make the salad whilst I put the garlic bread and pasta in the oven to heat up.

I looked up when I heard footsteps speeding up the stairs, and was met with the sight of a very smiley looking Buck.

"Alright, what can I help with?"

"Well, it looks like Chims got the salad pretty much taken care of... so you can just stand there and look pretty... or you can help me set the table." I said, shooting him a wink.

The blush that flushed over his cheeks made my confidence go a little higher than it should have.

"I'll get the dishes, you get the cutlery?" He said, sliding as close as he could behind me as he spoke.

"I- ugh- yeah, sounds good." I stammered as I opened the cutlery drawer. I could the the smirk on his face as I looked up, obviously proud of himself for getting me flustered.

The rest of the team came up just in time to see my blushing, and Buck practically dancing around the table. I'm sure they came to a conclusion quite quickly as to what had happened.

"Y/N, it smells delicious, as always." Hen said as she sat herself down at the table.

The tension between buck and I only continued, as he snuck in right beside me, and brushed his hand over my own as I checked on the food in the oven.

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