P.D and Med (2) - Jay Halstead

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[6 a.m]
Y/N's P.O.V -

Waking up with a headache is the last thing I want when I have to wake up for a seven a.m shift, when I'm going to be on call for god knows how long, but I guess I drew the short straw today.

[1 p.m]

I stood in a treatment room, watching over a young patient whose parents went to the cafeteria. I could hear the hustle and bustle of the ED as I did my paperwork.

"Y/L/N, you're needed in treatment three!" Maggie yelled.

I walked out of the treatment room an signaled one of the nurses to watch the girl while I was gone.

I made my way into treatment three and saw someone I didn't expect to see.

"What did you do this time Jay?" I asked.

"I tried moving something heavy in my apartment and a few of the stitches broke." He explained.

"Isn't that the one thing I told you not to do?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered.

The blood was seeping through the gauze he had wrapped around his arm.

"You're going to have to take off the shirt, your sleeve is in the way." I said, getting the equipment ready to replace the stitches.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I might think you were just trying to see me shirtless." He chuckle.

"Very funny Halstead. Let me know if this hurts." I said, pulling the first broken stitch in his arm.

He didn't even flinch, which I wasn't entirely surprised by.

I took out the last of the broken stitches, and carefully replaced them, tying each with a more reliable knot.

"Don't break these one's." I said as I bandaged his arm.

"I'll try not to." He replied, pulling his shirt over his torso.

"Good, I don't want to see you bleeding in this ED again." I said walking out of the treatment room.

I wrote down my phone number on a sticky note and turned to face Jay, who was walking out of the treatment room.

"If you break your stitches again, call me, I'll help you out." I said, handing him the piece if paper.

He took the paper and read over the number, a slight smile forming on his face.

"Will do." He said, tucking the paper into his pocket.

"Okay. Now get out of here, go home, relax." I said, nodding my head towards the exit.

[The next day, 3 p.m]

I opened my locker and took out all of my stuff before walking out of the hospital.

I got into my car, and just as I was about to start it my phone buzzed.

[unknown number]: Hey Y/N it's Jay. I don't know when your shift is over, but I was wondering if after you get some sleep or whatever, maybe we could go out, get some breakfast or something
Y/N: I'd love that, there's a great breakfast place that I'm obsessed with, it's called Benji's, we should go there

I added Jays number into my contacts and started my car, then my phone vibrated.

Jay: Sweet! I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, 9 o'clock alright?
Y/N: Sounds great! It's a date.
Jay: Great, text me your address and I'll be there to pick you up tomorrow.

I texted Jay my address, then drove home, desperate to get some sleep after a thirty-two hour shift in the ED.

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