Spinning [3] - Jake Kiszka

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Will this be the last part of this little thing I've created today, or will it continue...
you and I both don't know...
I've been typing for like 7 hours straight...
can't... stop... now...


Tents were put up, the fire was lit, and beers were handed out as the five friends sat to enjoy the start of their evening. Y/N sat, staring into the fire, and after a few minutes of radio static in her brain, she heard a whisper from beside her.

"You okay?" Jake asked, leaning close enough for only her to hear while the other boys talked away with each other.

"Hmm... yeah actually, I think I'm better than I have been in a little while. God I missed you guys so much." She said, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder.

Jake's face when he spotted her was priceless, Josh wished someone had a camera to capture the moment.

"Y/N?!" He yelled from the stage, his playing coming to a halt.

"Hi Jakey!!" She yelled back, the smile on her face only getting wider.

Jake got his guitar off of his shoulders and into someone else's hands faster than any switch he had ever done on stage.

"Josh, you are devious little man, but I love you." She said, turning to Josh, who smiled back at her.

"I love you too."

Jake ran to the stands, taking the stairs two at a time to get up faster, and she met him at the end of the row, and for once it was Jake lifting her off the ground, not one of his brothers.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked, still holding her in a tight embrace.

"Josh invited me to come out, planned out everything, totally surprised me." She explained.

Jake looked to his twin, who was standing behind them with a smug look on his face, and mouthed a 'thank you', to which Josh just nodded and gave Jake two thumbs up before walking back towards the stage.

After a few beers, and lots of conversation, Y/N had somehow ended cuddled up in Jake's lap, his arms around her waist, and a blanket covering the both of them as Josh theatrically told a scary story.

This was not an odd occurrence, both Josh's theatrics, and the casual intimacy between Jake and Y/N. It was one of the reasons Josh started to pick up on their feelings for each other.

Since high school, no matter whether they were seeing other people, or single, or hopelessly pining after each other, Y/N and Jake always had a comfortable level of intimacy that weirded out Josh a bit. For a long time he couldn't understand how two people who had been feeling the way they felt for so long, had only kissed twice since in the time they've known each other, and it never seemed to change anything.

Y/N could feel Jake's warm breath on her neck as he cuddled close for warmth, and beneath the blanket his arms tightened around her waist, so she ran her hands down his arms and unclenched his fist, feeling his hands wrap around hers instead.

"I still can believe you're here." Jake said, reaching out and poking Y/N in the cheek.

"Believe it Kiszka. Can't get rid of me now, I've been promised a good show, better not blow it." She challenged, poking his cheek back.

"How could I. I've got my greatest good luck charm here." He said, making her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of pink.

The sounds of screaming fans could be heard from the stands, and with every passing second Y/N got more excited for the show to start.

Jake heard his name being called by his band mates, and ushered Y/N over to the group with him.

"Well boys, we've got the most amazing fans waiting for us out there, and a special guest expecting a good show-" Josh started, looking to you with a cheeky wink. "-so we better kill it tonight. Let's fucking do this!"

They all cheered, each of them giving Y/N one last quick hug before they walked towards the stage entrance. Jake stopped in front of her, staring at her for a moment.

She took it as her chance, so she lifted her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck Jakey. Don't tell the others, but your my favorite." She said, whispering the last part and making a smile appear on his perfect lips.

"And you're my girl." He said before quickly kissing her lips and running off to get on stage with the other boys.

After a couple more drinks, and a couple more stories, the fire died down to embers, and everyone prepared to go to sleep.

Sam and Danny were sharing a tent, and the twins were sharing with Y/N, who only had two tents in her possession and did not want to buy another, luckily one was much larger, and could easily fit more people.

Slowly each of the boys got up and stumbled off to bed, leaving Jake and Y/N wrapped up in the blanket on Jake's chair.

"You ready to go to sleep?" Jake asked, his voice mumbled because his head was smushed into the blanket on her shoulder.

"Mhm." She mumbled back.

She stood from his lap, taking the blanket with her, before turning and holding out her hand for him to take, which he gladly took and stood himself.

She noticed on the way to the larger tent, that it seemed far more occupied than the other tent, which was dark and seemingly empty.

"I think Josh, Sam and Danny took the big tent." She explained to Jake when they got to the door of the tent.

"Smaller tent it is then." Jake said, ushering her towards the smaller tent, which held two sleeping bags and a couple pillows.

The two got comfortable in their sleeping bags, laying inches away from each other, foreheads touching as their breathing slowed and the relaxed.

She could still taste him on her lips and she ran from backstage to the pit, where a security guard hoisted her up onto a private ledge for her to sit on to watch the show.

Watching them perform was ethereal, they were incredible. They truly belong on a stage.

Throughout the show, Jake would steal glances at
Y/N, and every time he did, her heart swelled a little more. She truly was smitten by the boy.

The two of them were exhausted, but neither of them could rest just yet.

"Y/N?" Jake said.

"Yes Jake." She replied, her eyes were shut, but she was still very awake.

"Will you be my girl?" He asked.

"I always have been Jake."

"I mean like, officially, properly, truly, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, hoping she'd open her eyes.

She opened her eyes to see Jake, his own eyes pleading and she knew this was the moment.

"Of course Jakey." She said, moving impossibly closer and leaning her head up, placing a short kiss on his lips.

"My girl." He repeated, this time connecting their lips with more purpose.


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