Stereo [1] - Jake Kiszka

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You bet your ass I am making up names for things, the idea of finding a radio station to use as reference for this seemed tedious, and I am nothing if not lazy after working all day.
Also, this is the first time I'm having to use these, but just in case you do not know
Y/D/N - Your dads name
Y/M/N - Your moms name
Y/F/N - Your friends name
Y/L/N - Your last name


"Well folks, that is all for me today. I will be back tomorrow for our regularly scheduled program, and it only seems fitting to play this classic as we hand over tonight's broadcast to my father, the great Y/D/N Y/L/N. This is Old Man, by the great Neil Young." She said, muting her mic and taking off her headset as the music began to play.

"Well that wasn't very nice Y/N." Her father said, walking into the studio to set himself up for his nightly broadcast.

"Sorry dad, I've had that line planned all week." She said, giggling to herself as she picked up her belongings to leave for the night.

On top of her laptop was a bundle of papers she assumed were research and notes for upcoming interviews, but when she turned over the package and saw a festive schedule, she got confused.

"What's this about?" She asked, waving the papers at her father.

"Work trip for you and Y/F/N. Station is sending you two to the Austin City Limits festival to interview singers for the YouTube channel." He explained as quickly as he could before placing the headset on his head and starting his broadcast.

She walked out of the studio quietly and was approached by one of her coworkers.

"So, I see you got the schedule have you had a chance to look it over?" He asked as they walked along the long hallway.

"Just heard about it. Will look it over when I get home and discuss it with Y/F/N." She replied.

"Sounds good, everything for scheduling should be outlined in the booklet, if you have any questions just email me." He went on, but was quickly beckoned away by another employee.

"Will do Scott, see you tomorrow." She said, waving to him as she walked into the open elevator.

Arriving at her apartment had never felt better. Her bag, laptop, and the excessive amounts of papers she collected on her way out of the studio, were weighing her down heavily, and dropping them onto the couch made her feel weightless.

"Ah good you're home. I just got an email from Scott asking me if I had discussed the festival with you yet." Y/F/N said, walking out of her room with her laptop perched on her arm.

"I literally just walked through the door, that man is so impatient." Y/N said, slumping onto the couch and grabbing the festival booklet.

"So what is this about a festival?" Y/F/N asked, sitting next to her on the couch.

"Work trip for the two of us. We're being sent to the Austin City Limits festival to interview artists for the stations YouTube channel." Y/N explained.

"That's so exciting! I haven't been to a festival in ages." Y/F/N exclaimed, snatching the booklet out of Y/N's hands.

"Look at all the artists... wow... we've got some incredible interviews." She said as she skimmed through our schedule.

"I wouldn't really know, I haven't gotten the chance to take a look." Y/N said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh... my... lord, you are gonna love this one!" Y/F/N said excitedly, standing from the couch and walking to the kitchen, still reading through the booklet.

"We'll you can't just say that and not tell me who it is." Y/N said, scurrying off of the couch to follow her friend.

"But just telling you isn't as much fun. I'll give you three hints, and you have to guess."

"Fine." Y/N groaned, leaning against the counter opposite from Y/F/N.

"Alright. Hint one, you love their music." She said.

"Wow, how very specific and easy, Im so glad I agreed to this-"

"Shut up Y/N. Okay, hint two. You went to high school with this band." Y/F/N said, and something clicked in Y/N's brain.

"Oh no..." She said, praying she was wrong and that someone else from her high school had gotten famous.

"Aaaaand hint number three, and this one is easy I promise. You lost your virginity to a member of this band." Y/F/N said, waving the paper around for Y/N to take.

Y/N snatched the paper back from her roommates grasp, and read over the list of artists she would be interviewing. Lo and behold, there they were a the bottom of the page.


Y/N was going to be interviewing Greta Van Fleet.

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