Pressure - Jake Kiszka

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Did I spend over half an hour laying on the floor before I wrote this? yes, yes I did.


"Babe! You home?" Jake asked as he walked through the door, his guitar case in hand.

"In the living room." She replied.

Jake walked into the living room to see his girlfriend laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"You alright baby?" He asked, putting his guitar on the couch and walking over to her.

She sighed and looked up at her boyfriend, "yeah, I'm alright."

"We'll that wasn't very convincing." He said with a chuckle.

"Want some company down there?" He asked, and she nodded her head.

"So what's got you laying on the floor?" He asked as he bent down to lay on the floor beside her.

"Started to write an assignment for school, lost motivation super quick and ended up staring at the computer screen for over an hour, so I decided to get up and do something else. I came out here to make something to eat and just kinda ended up on the floor." She explained, watching as her boyfriend attempted to get comfortable on the carpet.

"How long have you been down here?" He asked, turning his head to meet her gaze.

"What time is it?" She questioned in return.

"Four-thirty." He answered.

"Hmmm... I've only been laying here for like forty-five minutes, maybe a little more." She replied.

Jake sat up after a few minutes of silence, and looked down at his girlfriend, who was already curiously looking at him.

"You hungry?" He asked.


A smile broke out on the boys face as he stood up, holding out a hand for his girlfriend and lifting her from the floor.

Take-out had been ordered, and the two sat at the island in the kitchen talking away as they ate.

"So tell me about this assignment, what is it that you have to write about?" Jake asked, watching as his girlfriend took another bite of her food.

She looked at him with her eyebrows raised, curious about both his timing, and his want to know about her schoolwork.

Once she had swallowed her food she began to explain the assignment, not noticing as Jake took notes.

Eventually the food was finished, the kitchen cleaned, and Y/N and Jake had moved to the living room.

"So, when is this assignment due?" Jake asked, his hand running over one of the legs she had draped over his own.

"Tomorrow. I don't know who's I'm gonna get it done, I can't even think of where to start."

Jake leaned forward and picked up a bundle of papers, handing them to his confused girlfriend.

"Use those, maybe they'll help you find somewhere to start." He said, a smile spreading on his face.

"Jake... did you take notes when I was telling you about the assignment ?" She asked, flipping through the pages to see various formats of notes about what she had spoken about.

"Yup, you knew exactly what you were talking about. I think you were just putting too much pressure on yourself to write something perfect on your first attempt, so you forgot everything you knew about it." He explained.

She looked at him and smiled, placing her feet back on the floor and standing from the couch.

"What would I do without you Jakey?" She said, leaning down and giving him a quick kiss.

"Crash and burn probably." He said, leaning back into the couch.

A couple hours passed, and Y/N was still hidden away in her office working on her assignment.

Jake had since moved into his music room, strumming away on his acoustic, he didn't notice the sound of her footsteps entering the room.

"Whatcha workin on?" She asked, startling him.

"Just playing around right now. Are you done?" He asked in return. 

"All done, turns out I just needed to talk about it with my wonderful boyfriend." She said, walking over to him.

Jake placed his guitar on its stand and stood up, meeting her half way across the room.

"Well... what would you like to do now that you've finished?" He asked.

"Hmmmm... wanna watch a movie?" She suggested.

"Sounds good to me, you pick the movie, I'll make the popcorn?" He questioned.

She nodded in agreement, the two making their way out of the room.

"Thank you for helping today Jake." She said, leaning into his side as they walked towards the kitchen.

"Any time baby."

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