P.D and Med (1) - Jay Halstead

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[1:39 p.m, November 5th]

Y/N's P.O.V -

It has been unbelievably slow at the ED today, and I've got a twelve hour shift today.

Having taken care of all of my current patients, I sat at the computer contemplating what to eat for dinner after my shift. The quiet in the ED didn't last long, as first responders came running into the ED with stretchers.

Natalie and April followed one stretcher, Ethan and Monique followed the other.

I stood and looked to Maggie.

"Go help where you can." She said.

As I walked around the stations I saw someone walking into the ED.

"Maggie, where can I put him?" I asked, pointing to the obviously injured cop.

"If there is an open room, take him there." She replied.

I looked to the cop and nodded for him to follow me, under the suspicion that he's not quite in a talking mood.

He followed me into a treatment room and sat on the bed, removing his hand from his arm.

"I'm doctor Y/L/N." I said.

He nodded and kept his mouth shut.

I tried to look at the wound, but his shirt was getting in the way.

"You're going to have to take off your shirt, I can't get a clear view of the injury." I said, taking a step back to give him room.

He got one sleeve off and got the shirt over his head, but winced when he began to peel it off of the injured arm.

"Let go, I got it." I said, carefully separating the sleeve of his shirt from his arm.

"So what happened?" I asked as I assessed his arm.

"Shooter caught my team of guard somehow, civilians got caught up in the shooting." He answered.

"Well, you got lucky, you'll need stitches but it looks like a bullet only got the surface of your arm." I said.

I was getting all the equipment ready to do his stitches, when a panicked looking Dr. Halstead came bursting into the treatment room.

"Jay, are you alright?" He asked, hurrying to the cops side.

"Yeah Will I'm fine. It's just a surface wound." The cop, Jay, replied.

Halstead looked at me, as if looking for answers.

"I've just got to stitch up the wound, he's fine." I answered.

"Halstead, your needed in treatment two!" Maggie yelled from outside the room.

Halstead looked to Jay and I, then hastily made his way out of the treatment room.

"What was that about?" I asked, beginning to stitch Jay's arm up.

"Will is my brother, you didn't know that?" He asked in return.

"I mean, I knew he had a brother, I just didn't know it was you." I replied.

"Well, now you know." Jay said.

Once I had finished stitching and bandaging Jay's arm, I went to get his release papers.

When I came back he was putting his shirt on and looking at his phone.

"Sign these and you are fine to go, just don't do anything that could pop the stitches." I said, handing him the papers.

He left soon after, leaving me to help the others with the victims.

[6 p.m]

"Halstead, Manning, Molly's tonight?" I asked as I passed them.

"Can't I'm on call." Natalie said.

"I'm off at eight I'll be there." Will said, looking away from his paperwork.

I walked out of the hospital and made my way to my car, waving to colleagues as I walked.

[8:30 p.m]

After going home for a two hour nap, and a change of clothes, I left for Molly's.

Snow was falling steadily as I walked into the all to familiar building, waving at Herrmann, who was behind the bar, handing beers to Will.

"You're late." Will said, leading me to his table of choice.

"We never set a time." I replied.

"You said eight." He stated.

"I'm pretty certain you were the one who said eight." I quipped.

Will sat in a chair, laying the beers on the table in front of him.

"Why did you get three beers? Someone joining in on the fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind." Will said.

"Of course I don't mind, who is coming?" I asked.

Will looked over my shoulder, then nodded towards the entrance.

I turned to see Jay walking though the door.

"Doctor Y/L/N, good to see you again." Jay said as we walked up to our table.

"How's your arm detective?" I asked.

"I've suffered worse, I'll survive." He replied.

[11 p.m]

"Well boys, it's been fun, but I'm on call starting tomorrow morning. I've got to get some sleep." I said, standing from my seat.

"Thanks for fixing up my arm." Jay said with a smile.

"Anytime." I replied.

"See you tomorrow Y/N." Will said.

"See you tomorrow Will." I replied, grabbing my purse from the back of my chair.

I waved at the two boys before walking out of Molly's and walking to my car.

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