P.D and Med (5) - Jay Halstead

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[10:50 a.m]

Y/N's P.O.V -

"I'll pick you up at six." Jay said as I got out of his truck.

"Okay, see you at six." I said, closing the door.

[6 p.m]

I walked down the hallway, making my way into the elevator, knowing I wouldn't make it all the way down the stairs in the heels I decided to wear.

The elevator opened on the ground floor, and I walked out seeing Jay leaning on his truck looking like the most attractive man on the planet, as per usual.

"Holy shit." I heard Jay mutter.

"Hello to you too." I said, walking towards him.

"You look... wow." He said, opening the passenger side door for me.

"Ditto Halstead." I said as he closed my door.

Jay got into the truck and started to drive.

"We've got to stop by Molly's real quick, Will wanted to ask me something, needed to see me in person." He said.

"Alright." I replied.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to get Jay to help me out of the truck when we arrived at Molly's. The two of us walked into the bar, his arm around me for support as I was struggling to walk in my heels.

"Damn Y/N, you clean up good, I've only ever seen you in scrubs." Kevin said as we walked into the bar.

I walked over to Kevin, who was sitting with a few of the intelligence team members that I've met, and Jay found his brother at the bar.

"So Y/N, what are you and Jay doing here? Aren't you two suppose to be on a date?" Kim asked.

"We are, he just had to see his brother quickly before we go to dinner." I explained.

A few minutes passed, conversation was good, and I soon felt a hand on my lower back.

"These people bugging you?" Jay joked.

"Just catching up, you ready to go?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I'm ready if you are." He answered.

I turned to the group and smiled.

"It was great seeing all of you, we should get together soon." I said.

Everyone agreed, saying goodbye as Jay and I walked out of the bar.

[10 p.m]

Jay had his arm snaked around my waist as we walked out of the restaurant. A smile plastered onto both of our faces after what I would call the best first date I have ever been on.

I felt a chill as we waited for the valet to bring Jay's truck to us, and he immediately took his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders.

I pulled the jacket tight around myself, and he pulled me closer to his side.

"It got cold." He said.

"Jay, it's winter in Chicago. I wouldn't be surprised if it started to snow." I replied.

As if on cue, I watched snowflakes descend from the sky.

"Well, would you look at that. You jinxed us." Jay quipped.

"Don't blame me, it's Chicago's fault for being so damn cold." I retorted.

There was no witty response from Jay, instead he just smiled, his eyes scanning my face as I stared curiously at his.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked, and his expression changed.

He leaned in closer, leaving just enough distance for me to feel his warm breath dance across my icy skin.

"No, no. Just zoned out, you're very distracting you know." He said, his lips curling into a smile.

I didn't quite know how to respond to that, but my eyes kept switching focus from his lips to his eyes. My god his eyes, the light from the building illuminated the green so perfectly that I swear I saw them shimmer.

I watched as his eyes grazed my face one last time before he leaned in, connecting his lips with mine.

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