Palpable - Sam Kiszka

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This piece is a birthday gift both for myself, and from me to you.


Friday -

Y/n was not sure what to expect from her week at the cabin with the boys. It was a yearly trip, but with each year, came more tension between her and a certain Kiszka boy. Despite the near constant touring that the boys had been doing, the distance never seemed to limit her feelings for him as he always found ways to tease the shit out of her, even if only over the phone.

She sat in her home waiting for the boys to pick her up, knowing they would probably be later than the time they had told her to be ready, they always were.

The second the car pulled up she was out the door with her bags, watching as the four boys raced out of the car towards her. She was engulfed in a group hug before she could open her mouth to say hello.

"We missed you sunshine!" Josh practically yelled.

"I'm right here Joshy, you don't have to yell." She said, leaning into the enthusiastic boy.

When the group separated, Danny helped y/n fit her bags into the back of the car. Josh was driving, Jake in the passenger seat, Sam and Danny were in the back seats, leaving the only space for y/n between them in the back.

Sam was already in his seat when Danny and y/n had finished getting her luggage, meaning Y/N had to slide into the middle seat before Danny got into his.

About an hour into the drive, y/n was drifting off, leaning into Sam as her eyes began to close. He noticed her drifting, and his heart skipped a beat at the tired look on her face as her head fell onto his shoulder. Sam let his hand rest on her leg, and she sleepily wrapped her arms around his.

When the group arrived at the cabin, y/n was woken up by Josh excitedly yelling and getting out of the car. Her eyes fluttered open, looking around to see the car empty. She noticed a heat coming from beside her, and her arms were wrapped around another. The hand on her thigh was telling as to who it was she was entangled with, but she refused to believe that she had managed to get into a situation like this as soon as she did.

"Goodmorning baby, how was your nap?" He asked, catching her gaze as she looked up at him.

"It's not the morning goober." She replied, a yawn escaping her as she spoke.

"Where is my sunshine! I need to see my best friend!" Josh screamed, catching y/n's eye as he strolled out of the house.

"Not even here for five minutes and he's stealing you away from me." Sam whispered, barely audible enough for her to hear.

"Hmm? What did you say Sammy?" She asked, looking back at the boy.

"Nothing, go see Josh before he sends out a search party."


Saturday -


"You really know how to make an entrance y/n." Josh said to her as she groaned and slumped onto the couch next to him.

She hummed a response, sinking to a position that in no way should be comfortable, and looked up at her friend.

"Sammy?" He said with a questioning tone.

"Who else?" She asked in response.

Josh pulled his lips into a line, trying to think of what he could say that would help.

Before he could come up with something to say, Sam barreled into the living room, sliding up to the couch and standing over y/n, who was now giving the boy a curious look.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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