Spinning [1] - Jake Kiszka

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A/N -
this is the product of about a months worth of listening almost exclusively to GVF, so if you are reading this it means I actually wrote something for the first time in what feels like an eternity (sorry sorry sorry) and that the icky feeling I get when writing about real people as opposed to characters, has momentarily subsided. 
Nothing but love to those who read this and tolerate my writing after my not doing so for such a very long time. -CTC 


Summer had officially left Nashville, and as the air became more crisp, and the leaves fell, Y/N awoke to a strange feeling of familiarity surrounding her.

She wouldn't even try to explain how or why she felt so much more chipper on a Wednesday that she has to work, but she felt like it was going to be a good day... so she rolled with it.

She got dressed and ready for the day, before locking the door to her apartment and bounding down the stairs into the adjoining record shop she had opened with her father.

The aux was plugged in, and music started to play throughout the store as she walked around, dusting records, shelves, and everything in between. She hummed along as Sunshine of Your Love played through the speakers... and she nearly jumped out of her own skin when she heard knocking on the window just behind her.

She turned to see a familiar face looking amused by her startled reaction, and her face quickly changed from fear-stricken, to shock and excitement. She scurried to the door and unlocked it, ushering the man in before locking the door behind him and turning to face her old friend

"Jacob Thomas Kiszka, why did you not tell me you were coming to visit?!" She excitedly questioned.

"I couldn't come to Nashville without visiting my girl. Plus surprising you meant I got to see the look on your face, and I couldn't miss out on that opportunity." He explained. His smile spread from ear to ear, clearly very amused with himself.

My girl.

In the time Y/N and Jake had been friends, he had used that phrase more than a handful of times, and yet each time it sent her head spinning. Luckily she caught herself fairly quickly before she spiraled into a flustered mess.

"You never fail to scare the shit out of me Jake." She said, lightly punching him in the shoulder.

He dramatically pouted and clutched his arm, making Y/N chuckle.

"I'm sorry Jakey, did that hurt?" She asked, pouting back at him.

"Mhm." He nodded.

"How can I make it better?" She asked.

His response was simply outstretching his arms towards her for a hug, which she gladly provided.

"I missed you so much Jakey."

"I missed you too."

They pulled away after a couple minutes, but before they could continue a conversation they were interrupted by yet another knock on the window.

Y/N was not facing the window, but Jake was, so she tried to gauge who it could be by the reaction on his face.

"Customers?" She asked.


At his response, she spun on her heels and saw Josh, Sam and Danny standing outside waving to be let in.

The second she opened the door she was lifted off of the ground and spun around. She knew it was Josh, he had a habit of picking her up and not letting her go, though it usually involved being thrown over his shoulder and brought along to whatever bonfire or jam session the boys had decided to put together.

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