Stereo [3] - Jake Kiszka

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Is 1:30 am a good time to put out another chapter... meh who cares, I'm just happy at the fact that I managed to do 2 in one day
Lemme know what you think of this so far!
All the love - CTC


The days went by faster than Y/N thought they would, all of a sudden it was Thursday, and she was leaving on a late flight to get to Austin for the festival.

Her headset was on, and her father was beside her as the broadcast they were doing drew to a close.

"Well there you go everybody, a day early, better than a day late. I've been Y/D/N Y/L/N-" Y/Ns father started.

"And I've been Y/N Y/L/N, and thank you for tuning in to the father daughter radio rundown on 101.9 The Studio. I will be back next week for my shows, until then, the lovely Spencer Manning will be taking my spot while I am off to the Austin City Limits festival." Y/N continued.

"Have a lovely evening everybody, enjoy the music, we'll be back with you soon on 101.9 The Studio." Her father said, closing off the broadcast as it slowly transitioned to music.

The two of them took off their headsets and gathered their equipment before heading out of the booth and into the office.

"Well darling, have a good weekend. I know you'll rock the interviews, I can't wait to see them." Her dad said, pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks dad." She replied, giving him a tight squeeze.

She checked the time on her watch and realized she had to catch her flight in just over an hour.

"Shit, I have to pick up Y/F/N and get to the airport. See you on Monday, love you!" Y/N said to her father as she rushed to leave the building. He waved a response to her as she nearly sprinted away, and chuckled to himself when she ran full speed into Scott, who was walking out of the elevator.

Y/N and Y/F/N almost missed the flight, but they did get on. The two immediately crashed, and for the duration of the three hour flight they were both passed out, leaning against each other.

They were awake long enough after their flight to get to the hotel, where they both promptly crashed once again.

Y/N had four interviews on Friday, and she was convinced she spent more time trying to calm herself down after interviewing Miley Cyrus than she actually spent doing the interview.

She also interviewed Machine Gun Kelly, The Backseat Lovers, and Finneas, each with long enough gaps between to watch some of the acts perform.

Saturday was very similar, four interviews, spaced out with time to watch some performances.

She interviewed Sir Woman, Modest Mouse, Phoebe Bridgers and Billie Eilish. Suffice to say, Saturday had Y/N and Y/F/N freaking out for the majority of the day.

Sunday arrived with light burning through the curtains of Y/n and Y/F/Ns room, as heat radiated on what must be the hottest day of the weekend.

Y/N practically slid out of bed and immediately stripped, looking through her suitcase for something cool to wear for the day.

"You should put on that one top..." Y/F/N grumbled, still half asleep.

"You're gonna have to be more specific." Y/N said, carelessly pulling clothes out of the suitcase.

"The button down one with the flared sleeves." She explained, and Y/N immediately knew which one she was talking about.

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