Who's Counting [1] - Sam Kiszka

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Apparently I'm on a roll now, let's see how long this lasts.
Much love - CTC


Sunshine poured through the cracks in her curtains as she heard the sound of many footsteps entering her apartment.

She groaned, turning to lay on her stomach, shoving her face into her pillow and knowing that she was not going to be able to sleep in today


"Oh god."

"There she is! Good morning birthday girl, it's time to get out of bed now." Josh said, bursting into her room and turning her bedroom light on.

"Jesus Josh... can't even let me sleep in on my birthday?" She groaned, face still shoved into her pillow.

"Come on sleepyhead, we've got so much to do today, but you have to get out of bed first." He said, reaching for her blankets.

"You really don't wanna -" She said, feeling his hand grasp the blanket, but it was too late.

"AAAHHH! MY EYES! MY POOR INNOCENT EYES!" Josh screamed as he ripped the blanket off of her.

She silently thanked god that she wore underwear to bed, and even more so that she had turned over before he pulled off the blanket.

Josh ran out of her room, so she quickly followed, closing and locking her bedroom door behind him. She stretched before making her way to her closet to pick out something to wear.

She heard the door handle jiggle.

"It's locked dipshit, you really think I'd let you burst into my room again after that." She said with a chuckle, pulling on a pair of jeans

"After what, all I heard was Josh screaming, then he sprinted into the living room." Sam said from the other side of the door.

"SHE WAS NAKED! I HAVE BEEN TRAUMATIZED!" Jake yelled upon hearing Sam's comment.

She opened the door, fully clothed and ready for the day, and was welcomed by a smiling Sam leaning against the wall opposite from her bedroom.

"I was not naked, I simply was not wearing a shirt. AND IT NOT LIKE YOU SAW ANYTHING JOSH!" She said, only breaking eye contact with Sam when she saw the other three boys at the end of the hallway.

"I saw enough!" Josh stated, waving his arms in the air and stomping off.

"So dramatic."

"So... where are you guys taking me?" She asked, sitting in the back seat of the car between Sam and Danny.

"You'll see, just be patient." Sam said, nudging her shoulder with his own.

She looked up at the boy with an exaggerated pout, and he responded with a cheesy smile. She frowned at his response, then turned to Danny, using the same exaggerated pout in the hope of getting some answers.

"If he didn't cave for you, none of us are going to. Just be patient for once.... please, you'll love it I promise." Danny said.

"Ugh... fine!" She dramatically sighed, leaning her head onto the headrest behind her.

As the car finally came to a stop, she was practically crawling over Sam to get out of the car. Y/N had caught sight of where they were taking her only seconds before they had arrived, Sam and Danny doing their best to keep her distracted.

"I love this place!" She said excitedly as she skipped towards the entrance of the massive arcade.

"What do you want to do first? We could go to the arcade, or do a couple rounds of laser tag. It's up to you, you're the birthday girl." Jake said as they all entered the building.

"Let's do the arcade first!" She said, running towards the games.

The boys took off after her, catching up to her in front of a foosball table.

After running around the arcade for a while, the group made their way to the laser tag area, splitting themselves into teams as they walked.

"So it'll be me and the twins versus San and Danny yeah?" She asked as they reached the door.

"Sounds good, but you're switching to our team next round." Sam demanded.

"It's only fair." She replied, giving him a playful nudge.

The five of them got into their gear, and were pleasantly surprised at the emptiness of the game, it was just them.

Y/N and the twins got into their teams starting room, Sam and Danny in the room across the little arena, and they all waited for the countdown.

"Players, you will be released in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1." A voice came through the speakers, followed by a loud buzzing noise when our team rooms were unlocked.

Josh ran out yelling, sprinting in every direction. Y/N and Jake went for a different approach, walking out stealthily and using hand gestures to let each other know where they were going.

Ten or so minutes into the round Y/N and the twins had a sliver of a lead over Sam and Danny, but that was mostly because of Josh's inability to hide.

Sneaking around a corner, she found herself at a dead end, and she heard someone walk up behind her.

"Please be Jake or Josh." She said, not wanting to turn around. 

"Sorry to disappoint sweetheart." Sam whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

"Sammy... we can talk about this." She said, feeling his lips just below her ear.

"Yeah Sammy, we can talk about this." Jake said.

Sam took a step away from Y/N, holding up his gun.

Jake smiled and Y/N and nodded before stepping away from the two of them, his smile turning into a smirk.

"A little tip Sammy, if you wanna sneak up on me, make sure my team isn't around the corner." She said, stretching up to whisper in his ear.

She stepped around him, and before he could lift his gun, she shot her own. His gear lit up red, and she jogged away with a chuckle as the timer counted down the last seconds of the round.

The five walked out of the arena, the twins and Y/N coming out victorious over Sam and Danny.

"Alright our turn with her." Danny said, placing his arm around Y/N. 

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