9-1-1 - Evan Buckley (1)

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This is set after Buck broke his leg, he is healed, back at the 118, and in this him and Ali are broken up for good.
Buck's P.O.V -

I listened the everyone talk as I passed Chimney the plates for dinner, five to be exact.

"We need an extra plate tonight Buck." Bobby said.

"Why?" I asked, pulling another plate from the shelf.

"I've invited our newest recruit to dinner, wanted her to meet everybody before her first day tomorrow." Bobby explained.

"New recruit?" Chimney said curiously, pulling out a chair for himself and sitting down.

"Yeah, she's an EMT, thought we could use an extra hand around here." Bobby replied.

Y/N's P.O.V -

Walking into the fire house for the first time felt strange. I got so used to the run down station that I was in for two years, this is a huge improvement.

I walked up the stairs, picking up on the sound of conversation as I reached the top step.

Hen saw me and walked over, pulling me into a hug.

"Welcome to the one-eighteen Y/N." She said.

"Thanks Hen." I said, squeezing her tight.

We let each other go and turned to face the rest of the crew, who had all turned to see what Hen was so giddy about.

Bobby walked over and put out his hand to shake.

"Good to see you Y/N." He said.

"You too Bobby, thank you for inviting me." I said as I shook his hand.

The two of us turned to the table, where three men stood staring. Hen, Bobby and I walked over to the table.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Howie, but everyone calls me Chimney." The first man said.

"Nice to meet you Chimney." I replied.

Chimney took a step back, allowing a tall man with dark hair, and beautiful green eyes to walk up to me.

"I'm Eddie, it's pleasure to meet you." He said, giving me a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you too." I replied.

The last of the three was a tall man with light brown hair and steel blue eyes.

"Hi there, I'm Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck." He said, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Nice to meet you Buck." I said.

"Dinners ready, everybody take a seat." Bobby said, bringing a large pot of pasta to the table.

We all sat at the table, each of us taking a portion of the food laid out for us .

"So Y/N, where are you from?" Eddie asked.

"Born and raised in LA." I answered.

"How do you know Hen?" Chimney asked.

"Five years ago she saved me after my car got hit in an intersection." I explained.

"Is that why you became an EMT?" Buck asked.

"It is." I replied.

We got through most of our meal before the bell sounded in the firehouse, causing everyone to stand up. They all looked to me.

"Go, I'll clean up." I said, waving them away.

I cleaned up all of the dishes, putting the leftovers into containers, then into the fridge.

I wrote a note for the team and left it on the counter, then went home.

Buck's P.O.V -

We got back from the call to an empty firehouse.

We all cleaned up and went upstairs, I walked into the kitchen and found a note.

Leftovers are in the fridge, see you guys tomorrow :)

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