9-1-1 - Evan Buckley (3)

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[December 28th, 10 a.m]
Y/N's P.O.V -

Having the day off doesn't always mean I'm off duty. Unfortunately I figured this out driving down a back road on my way to go shopping, when I saw two wrecked cars on the corner of the intersection.

I pulled over and called it into dispatch before making my way over to the cars.

Inside the first was two men, one significantly older than the other, both unconscious. I checked the two of them for a pulse, and found one for both, although the drivers pulse was lower than the passengers.

I walked over to the second car and found a young woman unconscious with her phone in one hand, the other was laying on her lap. Her pulse was slow, but not worryingly slow for now.

I heard the sirens in the distance and turned to see the one-eighteen ambulance and truck accelerating towards the accident, the police not far behind.

Hen and Chim were the first to make their way over, asking about the victims in each car. I gave them everything I knew before they went to work trying to get the victims out of the cars.

I stepped back to let the team work, leaning against my own car, when I was approached by a police officer. He was tall, with dark hair and a sharp jaw line. By all accounts I should be drooling over him, most of my friends would be; but my eyes drifted elsewhere.

As the cop rambled off questions, to which I answered, I was more focused on a certain firefighter sitting on the back of the one-eighteen truck, talking to Eddie.

"This isn't something I would usually do, but could I take you out sometime?" The cop asked, pulling my attention back to him.

I sat for a moment, thinking about how to respond. I could see Buck through the corner of my eye, watching like he was waiting for me to respond.

"I'm sorry, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't really date cops." I replied.

The cop nodded his head and turned to walk away. I looked over to see Buck smirking as he watched the guy walk back to his cruiser.

I made my way over to the crew as Hen and Chim sped off in the ambulance.

"Leaving so soon." I said, leaning against the truck as they packed up equipment.

Buck turned to me and smiled.

"Unfortunately." He replied.

"You working a twenty-four tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course, are you?" He asked in response.

"Yup, start at six a.m." I answered.

"Same. I guess I'll see you then." He said as Eddie waved for him to get into the truck.

"See you tomorrow Buck." I replied.

I watched as he ran to get into the truck before Cap drove away without him. I then turned and walked to my own car, continuing the previously scheduled shopping trip I had planned for the day.

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