2. 𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚 🔞

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Jungkook has been working on LK since one week and it was wonderful. The office is so good and it's maintained so good.

He could say that both of you are not only just handsome and sexy in  terms of look but in every other aspects too.

People are dying to join LK and he got it in one go. Taehyung was a charmer to the multiple nation wide deals and so are you.

If Namjoon never told him that both of you are couple he wouldn't believe. Because Taehyung and you are so professional, you guys never even sit together in the meeting and talk like couple.

Its always chairman Kim and Miss Lee when you guys called each other. Sometimes he even wonders, if you guys are really a couple or what.

Well, doesn't matter if you guys are good with each other or not, you are undoubtedly power couple. Together you are owner of a company that holds in billions and not to mention the aura you both had. Agh! Jungkook want to pull his hair in frustration.

Its the first day of weekend and he just woke up. "God! Never in my life I felt this stupid. Why did I flirt with a CEO at the first place?" He groaned.

But you really have Kim Taehyung as partner what else would you want for life right? Jungkook sighed. Is it possible that he can have a crush on a couple?

I mean both of you are too powerful he stands in awe when he sees you. Does that sound weird? No may be it comes from the respect. How can a single person has a crush on a couple right?

Jungkook sighed. Its 9 am. He should really wake up.



Taehyung took his phone on his hand. It's 9 AM you guys should really wake up. He tried to feel his other hand but it feels numb.

He looks at his chest and there you are sleeping like a baby. He smiled and kissed on your head.

"Boo, wake up" his morning voice can give your eargasm. You moan on his sound and scoot closer to him.

"My cutie pie needs to wake up, we will have breakfast in bed." Taehyung said to your ear sweetly while creasing your hair.

"Baby..mmhm" you nuzzled on your boyfriend's neck and Tae sweetly rubbed your back.

"Wakey wakey" he said. You groan and gently put few sloppy kisses on his neck.

Taehyung breath heavy and close his eyes in the sweetness.

You continue to kiss him from neck to his bare shoulder to his jaw line and cheeks. Wet kisses.

As Tae moan on the sensation you slowly ride up to his body and now you are kissing on his lip line.

"Kiss me baby" Taehyung demanded and you collide your lips with him. If you are thinking that you haven't brush at all, then its probably cause, it doesn't matter to you guys anymore.

You and Taehyung are currently 29 years old. You guys are in a relationship for eight years. Yes. You heard me right! Eight Fucking years, Kim Taehyung being all yours. What a life!

Well, not technically all yours. There's a catch. The catch is Taehyung is bisexual. And as you are the best girlfriend in the world, you let him play on both sides. But those relationships are purely sexual. Also because he is not technically Fucking a girl you never het jealous too.

You can never feel insecure in this relationship too. Why? Simple. Everything that you can see or touch has two owner here.

Basically Taehyung's love for you is so pure that if he ever bought a car the name of the owner stand LK which is you first and Taehyung second. The finance is sorted by both of you so big deal.

Currently you guys are the richest couple in Korea and you don't really care. All you care about Taehyung and his lips which is sucking your nipples.

"Ah! Baby!" You moan as he pressed his hands on your right one and sucked on the left one like a hungry little baby.

"Fuck!" You grab e fistful of his hair and he kissed your body till he reach to your panty.

As he yank it down your wetness is on out. "Mmmhmmm. Breakfast!" Taehyung said and slurped in your womanhood.

"Ah! Fuck Tae! You are so fucking good at this!" You moan and roll your eyes.



After an hour you guys are currently sitting on your balcony reading news and eating breakfast.

What happened in past one hour? You came on Taehyung's mouth once, on his hand, twice. You blew him and he came once, and while you were already woken up you thought why not fuck and cum together? So that happened. Oh! Also some hot make out session in the shower.

You wipe your glasses on Taehyung's t-shirt while he is eating strawberries. He change the page of his news paper and you took your tabloid to read today's news.

You munch to your butter toast and read about the stock market, which is really important as a owner of multiple chain of companies.

"Here's your coffee mam, your bubble tea sir" Sama your maid told you and both of you nodded.

"Seems good" you say to your lover and left the tab. He nodded.

Sipping into his Tea he took his phone on his hands. "Hey babe, I wanted to talk to you about something!" Taehyung said and you nodded.

"Remember Bogum?" He said sipping on his tea. One thing about Kim Taehyung is he can't drink coffee.

"The guy you fucked in our bed?" You say smirking. He could not help but laugh.

"Yeah that one!" He chuckled. His hand reach to your nape and he gently massage it.

"Mhm? What about him?" You asked him taking the pleasure he is providing.

"He is having a threesome relationship for quite a while and now they are dating all together like a Triad!" He said.

"Interesting. Everyone loves everyone? Isn't it sweet!" You say appreciating all sorts of love as open minded you are.

"Isn't it. It made me think that why don't we try? If you are okay with it then!" Your eyes got wide.

"You want Triad? With whom?" You asked.

"Oh no silly boo!" He pinched your nose.

"I love you way too much. I don't think I would ever love another person. My love for you never went down in last eight years. It just increased!" He said creasing you.

"Yeah! Me too Cubby baby!" You kissed his cheeks.

"I was talking about threesome and exhibition and other kinda sex!" His eyes went dark.

"That includes a hot as fuck man with you in my bed?" You smirk too.

"Yup! Probably sexier." He kissed your neck on that note.

"Let's do this!" You say.

"I say hell yeah! Sexual experiment here we come!" Taehyung said and you chuckled.

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