𝟏𝟒. 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 🪐

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Taehyung went to washroom to get fresh

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Taehyung went to washroom to get fresh. The maid made dinner but he didn't wanted to wake you guys just yet. So he sat with his laptop opposite to your couch and start to do some office work.

"No...please!" Jungkook mumbled in his sleep. "Please...I said nooo!" And with that he wake up and you too.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" You asked to the younger while Taehyung came with a glass of water on that instant.

He is all sweaty. You hug him right away. "It's okay, it's just a bad dream Kookie!" You sooth him while ruffling his hair.

"Have the glass of water!" Taehyung said and Jungkook was startled.

"Hyung!" He said. And he gently let go of you, making a distance between both of you.

"When did you came? I am sorry. I fell asleep!" He said taking the glass of water.

"It's okay. You guys were sleeping so I didn't wake you guys up. Dinner's ready by the way." He said.

"No. I need to go." Jungkook walk in a hurry. "I will give your t-shirt back!" He said and left like he has some emergency.

"What's wrong with him?" You asked Taehyung and he shrugged.

"I am worried about him though. He was really scared in the dream and even when he saw me he just avoided you." Taehyung said.

"But we had a lot of fun today. I don't know what happened to him." You say.

"Let's go and eat dinner." Your boyfriend say and you nodded.


"So that's all for the meeting today!" Taehyung clapped his hands and all the board director nodded.

Every one was slowly going out from the room while his eyes landed on a handsome man. "Let's eat lunch together Kook!" He said.

"Huh?" The files he were holding fell on the floor.

"Hey, you okay?" Taehyung went to help him but Jungkook hurriedly took all the things and nodded.

"I am fine Mr. Kim. I.. I have something for lunch. So Please go ahead. See you!" He said and left the room as soon as possible.

"What's happening? Why is he so nervous?" He asked to himself.


"And make sure the legal team recheck the format before signing it okay?" You asked to the employees and they nodded.

"You guys may go now!" You say and you call Namjoon immediately.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked. He thought you might be having some emergency.

"Where's Jungkook? I haven't seen him like for 2 weeks now. Can you call him and tell the CEO wants to see him?" You tell to your assistant.

Namjoon sighed heavily. "About him... I think there's something going on." He said.

"Well, I am all ears!" You say. Truth be told. You are missing him.

"Have you done something with Him?" He asked and you know exactly what he means.

"No. Not like we do. He is straight so Taehyung was not involved but yes. I and him had sex. Once. Why?" You asked.

"I think he is guilty for some reason! I don't know! I mean the first time I had sex with both of you it was a bit awkward." He said.

"But you handle it well and we did it multiple times." You say.

"I think you should talk to Jungkook. I will call him then." Namjoon said and you nodded.


"Have you called me Miss Lee?" Jungkook said avoiding the eye contact.

"Yes Mr. Jeon can you please have a seat?" You say. Jungkook doesn't look at you. He nodded and took his seat.

"What's wrong with you Kookie? Why are you avoiding us. Had me and Taehyung done something wrong?" You asked to him and he nodded in negetive.

"Mam, I am just an employee and how could I have the right? You guys are my bosses." He said. You were taken aback by his words and you sigh.

"So you don't want any personal relationship other than being our employee?" You asked in a stern voice.

"Yes mam." Jungkook implied.

"Very well then Mr. Jeon. You may leave now." You say. He bowed to you one more time before going out of the room.


Taehyung was letting those water run on his whole body as he kept both of his hand on the wall.

The day was exhausting and he needed this shower to relax his body. But what about his mind? He has been thinking nonstop about Jungkook and the way he is avoiding him.

"Let me join!" You say and he smiled at you. You waste no time and remove all your clothes.

When you were completely naked, you joined Taehyung on the shower. "When did you come?" You asked him.

"I don't know. 15 minuits may be." You could tell he is worried about something, and by something you know exactly what it is.

"I have talked with Jungkook today." You sigh while saying it.

"And?" He asked.

"He said he doesn't want anything with us other than the relationship of Boss and employees." You feel sad while saying it. Taehyung nodded too.

"I can understand why you fell for him baby. He is a really fun guy to be with. I think I have fell for him too." You finally confess.

"I know right. There's something about him that is so loving." He said with a smile. "But anyway, we are better off together!" He said. You hug him and he smiled.

It's true that both of you were open for another relationship. And both of you liked Jungkook. But you are mature couple. If someone doesn't want anything from you guys, you won't ever pressure them.

And love is the most beautiful and sacred feeling in the world. It is a heart's content. If Jungkook was not interested why will you guys?

But something was bothering you. You felt like something was wrong. You don't know what is it yet. But you would find it out.

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