𝟖. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 🪐

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| Jungkook|

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| Jungkook|

I reached to my empty home and slammed myself in the bed. This room and this house bores me. Sometimes I wish, If I could have someone, anyone with me.

But I was not someone that people can love. My own mother left me in an orphanage to rot. I don't know. No one ever cared. No one cares.

My eyelids were heavy and I could tell I was falling asleep. So big deal. Tomorrow is weekend anyway. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.

Who's gonna call me this late at night? I thought and took my phone on hand. It's noona. Wow!

"Hi Noona!" My voice came out more enthusiastic than I hoped really.

"Hey Kook, reached home safe?" Wow! For the first time anyone wanted to know this. So I immediately hum in response. "What about you guys?" I asked the same question.

"Yeah. Just got back. Me and your hyung gonna have lunch with Yoongi and Jimin tomorrow. In our house, you can join us if you want to. I mean if you have no other plans then." She said.

"I would love to join." I say.

"See you tomorrow, Babyboy!" She chuckled. Fuck! It's my trigger word. How did she knew? I am hard already.

"Bye!" I cut the line immediately. What is this woman doing to me!!


I bought pastry for the lunch cause I don't know what else to take. If it was a dinner I would think about wine and now I am confused.

I rang the bell and there she was smiling wide at me opening the gate. "Hello Jungkook." She said as a bright smile resting on her face.

"Hi Noona!" I say and both of us hugged each other. She took the packet from me and clapped like a child seeing the frosting cake.

"Come, they are on the backyard. I just wanted to thank you and Jimin for looking after Tae in this trip!" She said as we walk to the kitchen.

She left the cake on the fridge and walk to me to her beautiful backyard. "Your house is beautiful!" I say to her as she smiled.

"Oh hey Kook!" Jimin said and walk to me and hugging me later on.

I hug him and Yoongi and Taehyung hyung was on the que.

We sat together and had a lot of laughter and stories in the lunch. That's why they always stick together I suppose. Its fun and you feel good too.

"We have an appointment with our broker regarding the new house, otherwise we would have stayed." Jimin said.

"Then I should go to!" I offer.

"Why? You also have an appointment?" Tae hyung asked me and we all laughed.

"No. I mean..." I was cut off by noona.

"Then stay. You haven't even finished your cake!" Well that's true.

"Jungkookah we always stay in each others home. Its not a big deal. Relax and stay." Jimin offered and I nodded.

It was fun. We played monopoly for a long time and at last Noona won the match.

I ended up having dinner with them and after that I was back in my home. I sleep with a smile on my face that night.


"Tae is calling you about that software sell." Jimin hyung poked his head in my room as I nodded.

"Like right now?" I asked and he nodded again. It was Monday and there was a lot and lot of work. I was almost done with them but Jimin hyung said it's important.

So as usual I walk to The room of the Chairman. "May I come in sir?" I knocked and Taehyung nodded.

"This software sell is going really good and I want to buy and invest in some of them. I wanted your opinion on it." He said and I nodded.

As we sit and talked about those software it was almost 7 pm. The time of the auction was 8 pm. So we need to rush up.

"You carry on I will just say bye to your Noona!" He said and winked at me. I walk to the parking lot and his driver took out the car. I sit in the car and wait for him.

After ten minutes or so he was on his car, fixing his dress shirt and his hair. "You guys just fucked haven't you?" I asked. We have become this comfortable in past months to ask it anyway.

"No. She just gave me a head and that's all." He said and I roll my eyes.

"You are so freaking lucky. Living with a woman like Noona. I bet she gives good head too!" I chuckled.

"Oh she does. She is a wild person when it comes to bed." He said.

"TMI. But I am jealous." I shamelessly say. Taehyung chuckled.

"Wait...let me show you something." He took out his phone and scroll through it. He made sure that the driver didn't hear us as he black out our portion in the car.

He showed me a video of Noona wearing a red lingerie. Her soft milk skin is complimenting the colour and as she is on her fours her ass is looking like a round peach, and hyung is spanking on her ass as she us moaning.makes me want to spank it.

"Fuck! This is wrong. I shouldn't be seeing this." I say and swipe his phone to other side but my dick twitched on my pants.

"It's Okay. I trust you and she does too." Hyung said and I am gulping hard.

"You always had a thing for her, I know. You'll love it if she gives you head or even you want to fuck her too. I know Kook." He said and I am proceeding.

"I have this Kink, I like to watch her getting fucked. We have done it 3-4 times. So it's really okay for me if she is okay!" He said.

"What do you mean? You mean that you are okay if I fuck her Infront of you!?" I was stammering but he nodded casually.

"If she wants it. Then surely yes. We have done it few times. I fucked people she has seen, she was fucked and I have seen and not to mention threesome. We have done it all." He explained to me. Wow! How are they so fucking cool.

"But... You love her?" I confusedly asked.

"Of course. Its just kinks, at the end of the day I am the man she sleeps in the night and she is the woman I name my property to." He confidently said.

"Wait, let me call her and ask!" He said and my body froze. Is this really happening?

"Hey Baby, don't tell me you are missing me already." She said on the speaker and I sit straight.

"I always miss you. Anyway baby, I wanted to ask you something." Taehyung said gaining a hum in response.

"Do you wanna fuck Kook, while I am watching it?" He asked having no filter and I choked.

"Our Jungkook? I don't think he'll be okay with our ways though. But I would love to rome my hand arround that sexy body!" Taehyung chuckled and I am sweating. Noona finds me sexy? What the fuck.

"Let me talk to him and fix a date then!" He said and cut the line.

"So what do you think?" He asked with a smirk.

"You'll be watching us. Just watching?" I asked and Taehyung nodded.

"Bro I am Bisexual. I would love to fuck you both but I will just be watching that's a promise." He said and I seriously choked.

"You...you are Bisexual??" I asked and he nodded.

"That's not the point. What you say?" He asked.

"Well, I say fuck yes" I finally say.

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