𝟏𝟓. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 🪐

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It has been a month since Jungkook told you guys that he wants only a professional relationship and nothing else

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It has been a month since Jungkook told you guys that he wants only a professional relationship and nothing else.

As mature human being, both you and Taehyung agreed to him and gave him the space that he needed from both of you.

But still, you feel like Jungkook is never comfortable in this office. He always becomes stiff when he sees you or Taehyung and to be honest it makes you sad.

Taehyung's POV

I was going through the report that my Finance team sent me. The profit of this month. It's really good. I am happy with the outcome.

So I was just signing the files and just going through all the pages just to calculate the amount.

A light knock was heard by my ears.

"Come in!" I said. Jimin was standing there poking his head in my cabin.

"Jungkook is here to talk to you, should I send him in?" He asked and I nodded.

Jimin left with a nod and within a minute I heard another knock on my door. "May I come in sir?" He asked.

"Yes! Have a sit!" I offer him. He walked to me not looking at me, he sat Infront of me still looking down.

I have been seeing him like this for a month now. I don't know what happened to him. May be mixing work and pleasure was our fault. But It was obviously consentual. I don't know anymore. It just breaks my heart.

"What is it Mr. Jeon?" I asked carefully.

"I am here to give you this!" He said and gave me an envelope that I don't want from him.

I took it from his hand and opened it immediately. Reading the few line made me realize that what I was assuming is true. My eyes were wide and I can't believe what he has done.

"What? Why? What's the issue?" I asked.

"It's written there. Personal reasons!" He said.

"You are quiting the job for personal reasons? What the fuck?" My voice was louder than I expected. Yes. I shouted at him.

"Tell me what the hell is wrong with you? Why the fuck are you doing this?" I walked to him amd shouted.

"I am in love with your fucking girlfriend damn it! And it's making me ho crazy!! I want to touch her, I want to be with her, I want to do everything with her that you do! And it's driving me freaking crazy!!" He shouted in one go. And I was shut up.

"What?" I asked.

"I am sorry hyung. I thought it was sexual. But no. I have feelings for her!" Jungkook said in a sorry way. I can already tell how sorry he is.

"Jungkook let me call Y/N and we three can sit and talk ot out." I say.

"No hyung, please. I don't want to. I am already done. I can't stand here." He said.

"Jungkook you are an asset for our company. You know." I say.

"I can't. I will go crazy. Please accept it." He said and before I could say anything, he left the room.

"The fuck!!" I said.


You finally take a deep breath when the meeting ended. It was a fashion collaboration project with a magazine company so you and Namjoon went to meet the head designer and the model.

Everything was sorted out and now you are sitting in this five star deck just breathing.

You will head to office.

"I think the meeting went well. What do you think?" You asked to your assistant who nodded in positive.

You take your phone out and there was a text from Taehyung. You smile on the screen and open the text.

"Baby Voo"

Call me when you see this. Asap.

You wonder what is wrong. And before you could call him Namjoon cursed taking his phone out.

"What is it?" You asked to him.

"Jungkook... He left the job!" Namjoon said.

"What? Why?" You asked.

"I don't know. Jin Hyung said. He is gone." He said.

"What the fuck!" You could not help but curse out loud.

"Let's go to the office." You take your belongings and Namjoon nodded on that momment.


"And he was gone before I could say anything!" Taehyung said to all of you.

"And you didn't stop him?" You asked to your boyfriend.

"It was not his fault y/n. Jungkook was right on his face and he left saying he can't do this. He feels like shit everyday!" Jimin said and Namjoon sighed.

"I thought he was more than this." Jin said finally.

"May be it's not entirely his fault." Taehyung finally said.

"He is not taking my calls!" Namjoon said dialing his phone again.

"He won't." Jimin said.

"So, what do you say? What os the big plan of both of you? We just let him go? He is a brilliant diractor and we all know how his work always keeps us first in the market." Jin said.

"Hyung, you should think about his feelings too." Taehyung said.

"But-" Jin was about to say something but you stop him.

"No. He is right. We should wait. We should let him think. And to be honest, I am also weak for that dork!" Yoh chuckled. Making Taehyung smile too.

"Gosh! You guys!" Jimin is blushing now too.

"Okay. We wait!" Namjoon said and all of you agreed.

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