𝟐𝟔. 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 🪐

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Jungkook was lying in the bed next to you. He was not totally in sleep. He couldn't. How can he?

You know after what happened last night it's all rounding up. He can't came to a conclusion.

He is not gay. But whatever happened he couldn't deny the fact that he liked it. The way Taehyung sucked him. Oh god! He is hard again.

I mean you suck him good. He can never complain about that. He is lucky, more than lucky to have you in his life in many aspects that are more than sexual.

But in sex, you are goddess. It seems like no one he has ever been with come close to a battle to you. Then what happened?

Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!

Is Jeon Jungkook is gay for him?

"It can't be!" He mumbled under his breath.

He wants to shout and shake all his body to lead this feeling go away from his. But he can't. Cause you are sleeping while holding him.

He looks at the watch that is hanging on your bedroom. It's 2 in the morning. It's a positive thing that he doesn't have work tomorrow.

Otherwise it would have been a pain in the ass. Three of you are sleeping in the same bed as always. You in the middle and both of them in different sides.

But tonight is a bit different. He wants to look at Taehyung, but he doesn't have the courage.

He sighed.

Out loud.

"God damnit!" He finally said. Not the he you are thinking. The other he. Kim Taehyung,he!

Jungkook froze and closed his eyes. Taehyung sit on the bed and Jungkook is now observing the elder.

He then walked out of the room leaving the door open. Where did he go?

Jungkook was curious now. He softly touch you and luckily you turn to the other side by yourself. He tip toed out of the room and gently close the door behind him.

Now he have to find Taehyung.

Where did he go?

Where can he go?

As soon as Jungkook came downstairs he was sure that Taehyung was in kitchen. The light was on and there was sounds.

"What are you doing here Kook?" Taehyung asked surprisingly.

"How did you know I was here?" Jungkook came qnd sit on the island.

"I saw that you were up all night. I sleep beside you, stupid!" He said.

"I am not stupid!" Yeah. You are. You don't know you have feelings for Taehyung, you don't know you are gay. Sorry. The author got carried away, anyway, moving on.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and his coffee machine beeps. "Do you want coffee?" He asked to the doe eyed man.

"No. I have my banana milk on the fridge. I am gonna get that for now." He said.

Taehyung made a cup of coffee for him while Jungkook sits on the island. Sucking the straw that the jar has inside of it.

"What's going on that beautiful head of yours..huh?" Taehyung asked with his deep voice sitting beside Jungkook.

Honestly speaking, his heart skipped some bits. Taehyung intimidates him. Not today, not because of what happened earlier. From the day he saw him first, since then.

He is so into his thoughts that he is not even blinking. Taehyung arched his eyebrows.

"Huh? What?" Jungkook said.

"That's what I am asking. Why can't you sleep?" Taehyung said sipping on the coffee cup.

Jungkook deeps breath. He wants to share it. " I was thinking about what happened between us in the evening you know." He said looking down.

Taehyung is anxious now.

"I am sorry if yoy don't liked it. It was totally hit of the moment and I was not thinking right may be." He said at once.

Taehyung then put his hand on Jungkook's lap. "I never wanted to put my sexuality or my liking to force upon you...." He genuinely said.

"No...no, hyung. It's not that." Jungkook now held his hands.

"I liked it. I enjoyed it a lot to be honest." He shamelessly express.

Taehyung let a sigh of relief. Thank god he liked it. Thank god Jungkook does not think of him as some gay pervert.

But wait... He um enjoyed it??

"Well. I am glad to hear that." Taehyung then smiled.

"Do you really have a crush on me?" He couraged to ask.

"I do. since the day I know you." Taehyung agreed. Jungkook couldn't help but smile.

"I am now confused and a lot is going inside my head. I thought of me something and now it seems like I am a different person when it comes to you..." Taehyung stopped Jungkook by putting his fingers on his lips.

"Don't think too much. Just relax." He said.

Both of them were sitting side by side and looking at each other. Not just looking, but looking deep in each others eyes.

Then Jungkook did something that he never thought he would do in his life.

"I want to see something..." He said and wasting a single moment he locked his lips with the other man.

Firsr ever kiss of Jeon Jungkook with Kim Taehyung.

Tae was taken aback about what really just happened. But as soon as he realised,he open his mouth and slip his tongue inside of Jungkook's mouth.

Jungkook made a fist on Taehyung's hair and the kiss got steamy.

Well, it's a start!!



I updated and they kissed. Wow!
It really feels good to sit and write. Please prey for me that I can do it more often. How are you guys? Liking what's going on in here?

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