𝟏𝟖. 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 🪐

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Jungkook is doing his works

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Jungkook is doing his works. As he was not in the office it has become a lot of works for him.

So he is working a lot. Like a lot lot, Jimin enters his room and he is now looking at the younger.

"What are you  doing?" Jimin asked.

"Work?"  Jungkook said in a poker face. Jimin sighed.

"Let's go and have lunch." He invited and looking at his wrist watch Jungkook was stunned.

It's already 2.30? He had no idea. "I guess leaving the work was not a good decision!" He joked.

"The worst!" Jimin said and both of them bust into laughter.


Jungkook is having his lunch with Jimin and Jin when Taehyung entered the office canteen. As usual everyone bows but he put a smile on his face and sits beside Jungkook.

"So what do we have for Tonight?" Taehyung asked.

"Bowling and clubbing?" Namjoon joined out of nowhere.

"But I still think you guys should add my future husband there." Jimin said in a pout and Jin rolled his eyes.

"Your husband will have a good time with y/n!" Taehyung said and Jungkook bust his water on Namjoon's face.

"What the fuck?" Namjoon roared.

"I am so sorry! But y/n what?" Jungkook asked to Taehyung.

"Oh my god Kook chill. She is not looking for another suiter other than you and me. Jungkook do not wish to show this but he actually let a sigh of relief.

"We are having a bachelor party of Jimin tonight so Yoongi is not invited. He can have few drink with y/n as she is the only one who is not joining us!" Taehyung explain it to Kook who is now nodding a lot.

"Oh! Am I invited too?" Okay now that was a dumb question.

"No cause you squirt on me!" Namjoon is now grumpy.

Everyone bust into laughter. Well, Jungkook was again back!


Taehyung is singing the song that has this Kareoke given him and Jin is participating too. Both of them are drunk and singing as if they are the main vocalist of some worldclass boy band.

Jungkook is sitting on a side while gulping down some lite beers cause he doesn't really wanna get drunk tonight. Why? Cause Taehyung has rescued him way too many times so it's his turn now I guess.

Jimin join him and both of them smiled at each other. "Why aren't you drunk?" Jimin asked.

"I decided to not lose consciousness tonight!" Jungkook replies with a smile.

"You know I am having a cold feet." Jimin says the truth.

"Hey, you love him right? It's the best thing to do right now!!" Jungkook talks and massage on Jimin's shoulder.

"I know. But sometimes I think about us and think that Yoongi could easily get a better man then me. Or woman I don't know." Jimin said and gulp on some beers too.

"Did you say woman?" Jungkook asked while Jimin just nod.

"He is bi too. Like Taehyung. But Yoongi prefer me over girls." And when he said that a smile creeps on his face.

"When did you know that you were gay?" Jungkook asked to Jimin.

"I never knew untill I met Yoongi. I used to date girls and had sex with them too but I always used to feel that something is off. I couldn't feel shit." Jimin chuckled and gulped some beers again.

"One day I was in Yoongi's apartment and telling him that how I had sex with this girl but I was not really turned on and He just kissed me. As much as I hate it that time but my dick was hard and I was turned on." He remembers those days and he could not help but blush.

"He then said I was gay and I was in denial. I avoided him as much as I could. I used to think he is some creep who is pressing his sexualities on me." Jimin continued.

"Then?" Jungkook was more than interested.

"Then I kissed him again and when he touched me, I knew it is what I was missing in physical contact with girls. Since then I am glued to him." He smiled like a fool.

"See, you deserve a marriage with a person who showed you what you are right?" Jungkook is now helping a lot and Jimin feels really cheered up.

"Let's go Home Kookie, your noona is waiting." Taehyung comes and god he is drunk. Jungkook nodded and booked an uber right away.

"Take me with you too. My husband will be with y/n." Jimin said and now Jungkook is taking home teo drunk men and the uber driver is giving him looks whenever Taehyung wants to puke but isn't.

"Noona? Can you come out for a while? Your man is drunk as fuck! And Yoongi 's too!" Jungkook informed you when he is Infront of your house.

Yoongi comes and goes inside the car.

"Let me take this ride to home. You guys mind?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook was about to say something when you barge in.

"No we don't. Kook, help me to put your hyung in bed. Can you?" You asked to Jungkook who is blinking fast.

But when he was done processing he nodded and helped you to held Taehyung.

Saying bye to the Yoonmin couple both of you locked the house and reach to second floor.

As soon as Taehyung was on the bed you chuckled.

"How much did he drank tonight?" You asked.

"A lot." He chuckled.

"Let's have some coffee. You mind?" You offer and Jungkook took it gracefully.

Coffee with you in your home at 1 in the morning is something that Jungkook never knew he wants from life but damn he wants it from life!

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