𝟏𝟎. 𝐕𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦🔞

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Taehyung watched as Jungkook took you over his shoulder and walked to the stairs

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Taehyung watched as Jungkook took you over his shoulder and walked to the stairs. He smiled.

He spent a minute to sip his wine and emptying the glass. After that, he walked to the room too. As soon as he reached there he was surprised to see Jungkook sitting on the same chair as he has planned to sit.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked in a confused way.

"Our little Kookie was waiting for you!" You say and Taehyung laughed.

"Hyung, can you like kiss her Infront of me. I mean, I feel a bit weird. I have to convince my mind that I am not involved in cheating or something!" Jungkook say and Taehyung nodded.

He walked to you and sit on the bed, you hop into his lap. You crossed your hands on his neck and he grabbed your ass.

"Don't be too heisty with out Kookie over here" he looked at Jungkook and both of them smirked. He kissed you and you kissed him back.

It was soft and passionate. Not something that will initiate sex. Jungkook wait till the sweet kiss comes to an end.

"I love you!" Taehyung declared.

"I love you more." You do not hesitate to say it.

Taehyung slowly took you down from his lap and made you sit on the bed again. He walked to the chair "all yours!" He motioned to the bed and Jungkook stood from where he was sitting so that Taehyung can take the place.

Taehyung sit there as Jungkook went to the bed, the lights were off but there were dimmed lights to totally match the mood.

"You want to kiss me Noona?" Jungkook asked and before you could say yes he slammed you in the bed and hop over your petite body.

You groan in defeat when he grabbed your jaw and kiss the shit out of you. You were so turned on. He has this dom era with him and this roughness is all exciting for you.

He kissed on your neck as you arch your head, making sure not to put any mark on your body.

Jungkook opened your shirt's button in a blink of an eye and his eyes shine with the purple lace bra that you were wearing.

"Let me help you!" You offer and sit to get rid of the shirt. You unhook your bra and slowly took it out.

"God fucking damn it!" Jungkook cursed. "Hyung you are fucking lucky!" He said to Taehyung who is sitting there quite. But he do not waste a momment to nod in positive.

Jungkook grabbed your big tits and play with them. Then he put one of them in his mouth and suck on them. You hiss in the sensation. You grabbed his hair while he suck on the other nipple too.

When he was done he looked at you, totally fucked up. "Are you a good girl?" He asked. You nodded innocently.

"Sit on your knees if you are one!" He demanded. You knew he would be a dom but the way he is handling the situation is making you go on your knees, literally.

You walk out of the bed and sit on your knees on the floor. Jungkook got rid of his leather waist belt and the zipper was Infront of you

You act like a good girl and zipped it down. As you finally got rid of his boxers, Jungkook's dick was Infront of your mouth.

Your mouth literally watered watching that piece of meat. He was surely huge. As big as Taehyung's but damn may be he is thicker you don't know. Whatever the Reason is but this dick deserve to be praised.

You gave few kitty licks and looked at him. "Go on Noona!"he encouraged you and you took him full in your mouth. When that feeling hit him he closed his eyes in satisfaction.

He groand when his tip hit on the back of your throat. He could not wait he grabbed your hair and made it a bun. He controlled your motion and made you choke on his hot piece of meat.

Your eyes watered when he choked you with his dick! "Gosh Noona! I am gonna... Fuck!!" And he came in your mouth.

You swallow it and looked at him. "Such a good girl!" You giggle on that word making him go crazy.

He made you sit on the bed and wank open your shorts. Taehyung was gulping from there. It was too hot for his eyes even after seeing you millions of times.

He spread your thighs and then licked on your wet fold. "Mmm taste so good!" He moaned. You looked at him when his tongue touched your throbbing clit bud.

He is a teaser okay? He touched it few times with the tip of his tongue not giving you a full lick. That made your head dizzy. "JUNGKOOK FOR FUCK SAKE!!" you whined.

He slapped on your pussy making you shout in pain mix with pleasure. "Such a whiny woman! So fucking eager for cum. Huh?" Jungkook asked.

"She hates to be teased!" Taehyung said from his place. Jungkook arched his brows.

"Really Noona?" He slapped you again. You fist on the bed.

"Oh fuck Kook!" You say when his fingers played with your clitoris.

"What do you want Noona?" He asked in a rough way!

"I want you to make me cum!" You dare say and a smirk appear on his cocky face.

"Your wish is my fucking command!" Jungkook said and his head was in between your legs.

"Ah! Gosh!" You moan. It was song for Both Taehyung and Jungkook's ear.

"Damn. He is good. Baby, Jungkook is sucking me so fucking good!" You looked at Taehyung.

"Are you enjoying Boo?" Taehyung asked from his place.

"Mmhmm!" Is all you could say. Jungkook was playing with the end of your clit and his tongue was teasing your hole.

You were moaning. Your whole body was shaking. You could not take it. You wanted to move it was too much for you. Your eyes was rolling back your palms were sweaty and your thighs were shaking. You want to scream and shout. You want to tell him that his tongue is making you go crazy but you could not. All you could do is to cream his mouth. And before you knew, you were in cloud nine. You were coming hard on his mouth.

"God Noona! Fuck!" Jungkook said wiping his mouth which is shining from your cum.

"Hyung, you wanna see me fucking your pretty girlfriend now?" Jungkook asked Taehyung while you were still panting from the high he provided you.

Taehyung put his right leg over his left one. "By all means if your Noona wants it!" He said.

You knew you will he fucked hard when Jungkook will be taking you but you only live once and this shit is too sexy to about.

"Oh yes I would Love that!" You said and Jungkook smirked.

"On your fours now, Noona!!" He said.

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