𝟗. 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 🔞

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As soon as the auction ended both the men were actually happy with the success

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As soon as the auction ended both the men were actually happy with the success.

"Do you think that whatever we bought would come to a really good use?" Taehyung asked sitting on his expensive car.

"It will be few millions in profit trust me!" Jungkook said as he looked at his watch, it's almost 10 in the night.

"Hey, do you think we can grab some dinner together?" The younger asked to his boss.

"Um... I always have dinner with y/n when I am in town." Taehyung said apologetically.

"Oh! It's fine. Can you drop me in a bar or something. I don't have the energy to cook for me tonight." Jungkook casually said.

"Or you can go to my house and eat dinner with us." Taehyung suggested.

"Oh no. I don't wanna bother you guys." He said.

"Who said you are bothering us? You are coming with your boss and it's an order of your boss." Jungkook smiled and nodded at this.


"And then my mom said that you can stay with your girlfriend." Taehyung said eating his jajangmeyon.

"That's ancient history. We have been staying together for 9 years. So I can't even imagine how I used to live without him." You say sipping on the white wine.

"I am living alone for 6 years too." Jungkook said. "Before that I used to live in the orphanage." He said sighing.

"Which one? I used to stay in the saint Joseph." You say. Taehyung wants to hug both of you at this point but he is staying quite.

"That's an well known one. I am not lucky enough to live in a caring and loving orphanage. The one where I used to live was a damage building, we didn't have beds, we had to sleep in the floor with just bedding and stuffs. Studying there was the hardest part. The maiden didn't gave me new books and the necessary things." Jungkook said sitting in the dining table.

"So how did you managed?" You asked with a sad eye.

"I used to work part time. From a real young age. Since I was 14 or so. I used to pay for my studies since then." He said. Taehyung can't relate.

He has born in a rich and powerful family. He had maids for his room and chef to cook, he was a spoilt brat untill he met you, he understood the value of money and love from you.

But now that he is hearing that Jungkook has the worst past then you, it makes him wants to respect Jungkook more and more.

"And when It was time for the collage, I got a scholarship and left that hell for life." Jungkook finally smile when his story had end.

You smile and walk to him. To his surprise you sit on his lap and Jungkook's eyes got bigger and bigger. He looked at Taehyung who is unbothered.

You hugged Jungkook tight. "You did well Jungkook, I don't know it anyone has told you that but you are a strong and kind hearted man. You've grown so well. I am proud of you!" You say. Jungkook was taken aback from your words, no one in his life has ever told him this affectionate words. But he feels good initially.

He hugged you back. Tightly. Taehyung smiled at both of you. He ruffled the younger's hair.

"We are proud of you. You did well!" Taehyung said.

"Thank you noona." Jungkook told you and then he looked at Taehyung. "Thanks Hyung." He said.

As you let go off the hug you looked at Jungkook. His lips were inches far from yours. Weirdly, he has same pink and beautiful lips like Taehyung.

One thing you love about your boyfriend, he has a mole on his lips, about this little Kookie? He has a mole under his lips which is much sexier.

You looked at him who is also gulping with you inches away from him. His hands were still on your body, in your waist infact. The eye contact was hot and steamy.

It's like you are in effect of a magnetic field which is inviting you closer to this young and hot man.

"Get a room you too, or kiss!" Taehyung rolled his eyes sipping his wine.

As soon as the sentence ended, you knew your man was cool with it. You do not waste a single momment and put your lips on his ones.

Jungkook didn't flinch. He kissed you back immediately. As if he was waiting for this for a long long time.

His lips tested like cherry, you are connected to the strawberry as Taehyung always tested like one but Jungkook is different. More manly, rathee sweet.

You grip on his shoulder as his tongue enter in your mouth. Sucking on it you moan on his mouth.

When you moaned, he groand in anticipation. Jungkook grabbed your ass and squeezed it firmly. Totally forgetting the fact that your man is sitting on the chair beside him.

Jungkook grabbed you by your hair and he is now kissing on your neck. You arch your neck so that he can get the access to your neck. When he was about to suck on your sensitive spot and make a mark of his own, he stopped.

You were so turned on so you looked at him. His eyes changed. It was not coated with lust anymore. "I am so sorry Noona. You are not mine to mark." He said.

He immediately stood and looked at Taehyung. "I am so sorry hyung, I didn't mean it." He said.

Taehyung held him by shoulder. "As I told you before. I don't mind and both of us trust you." He said.

"Jungkook, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry!" You sooth him.

"In fact I loved it, I would rather want to know how will it feel when you will fuck me!" You say sexily.

Jungkook gulped. He closed his eyes and breath. "Where's the bedroom?" Jungkook asked making you smirk.

"Let me grab some snack to watch a show!" Taehyung said!

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