𝟏𝟗. 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 🔞

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Jungkook looked at him in the mirror for one more time

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Jungkook looked at him in the mirror for one more time. He is looking good.

He doesn't remember of taking anyone on a date. I mean he has fucked quite a lot of girls but it was never a serious one. So there was no special nights.

Truth be told he is a bit nervous. Well, not a bit. He is really nervous. He take a deep breath and tell himself that it'd be alright.

He drive to your home and park the car Infront of your main gate. He left the car and Knock on the door.

The maid open the gate with a smile. "Hello Mr. Jeon!" She said.

"Hello, is Miss Lee home?" He asked nervously.

"She is getting ready I suppose. Please seat in the living room, I was just about to leave." She said and walk out of the house.

Jungkook walked to the living room just to find out that Taehyung is sitting there and playing with his phone.

"Hi hyung." Jungkook awkwardly said. Well, he doesn't know what exactly to say.

"Hey Kook." Taehyung looked from his eyes to Jungkook and he could not help but to think how handsome man this is. "You are looking damn handsome tonight." He doesn't forget to compliment.

"I suppose, I worked hard on that department." Jungkook laughed. Taehyung smiled too.

"You did. Baby is getting ready too. Wait until she is done." Taehyung said and now Jungkook is feeling more than awkward.

"So are you okay?" He asked to Tae.

"Yeah. The maid cooked for me, I will watch some action film and eat them. She would never let me do that!" Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh I remember last time both of us watching and it was too fun but noona wasn't really happy about it though." Jungkook said.

"That's because she is jealous of the bond that we have." Taehyung winked.

"No. I am not!" You say while coming down from the stairs.

"Wow!" Both of them say in unison and having the same shine in their eyes. You could not help but to feel special.

You hug and kiss Taehyung bye and then left with Jungkook.


"And then Jimin said guys I am gay. Taehyung didn't even waste a single momment and said he has a crush on Jimin." You say.

"Oh my god. Yoongi must be hurt!" Jungkook said.

"No. Yoongi totally understand Taehyung's feeling. Cause they were pure just like he has towards you." You carefully said those words.

"What? What do you mean? No...The Kim Taehyung can't have a crush on me!" He said.

"He has. And the fact that both of us have crush on you makes our dates less complicated." You say.

"I still can't believe that!" Jungkook said.

"How's the dessert?" The waiter come and interrupted on your conversation.

"It was good." You smile at the waiter.

"Can you bring the bill please?" Jungkook asked and the waiter left with a nod.


Jungkook slammed you in the door and kissed you feverishly. You kiss him back with the same sensation.

"Mmm..." You moan on the kiss and Jungkook took the opportunity to kiss on your neck and suck there.

"Can I leave a hickey?" He asked and you melt on there. You nod at him and he does as he said.

The kiss continued till his bed and he strip you from your dress, you also help him to get out of his jacket and other clothing.

Now both of you are naked and he is obove your body hugging and kissing you with all the passion he has.

His hard dick is pressed on your clit, it's just need a push and it will give you the immersed pleasure that you have already experienced.

You are a fan when it comes to get fucked by Jeon Jungkook.

"God baby, you are so wet my dick is literally wet by you." Jungkook said.

"Why don't you try to put it in?" You approach.

And that was it.

He didn't waste a single momment and in a second you were filled up with his thick meat. Your mind was blown and your mouth went agape.

"Fuck Jungkook! Aaaahhh!" You moan and Jungkook groan

"Gosh you feel so good, I can be inside you all day and all night and never get tired of your pussy!" He said.

"Move faster, fuck me harder." You whine.

"Such a whiny and needy baby!" Jungkook said.

"You like it when my dick goes in and out fast on that juicy pussy of yours? Huh?" Gosh this rough talk.

You want to say a lotta things but nods will do for now so you are doing that.

The fuck show continue for some more time and Jungkook came on you as you reach to your own orgasm.

"Oh fuck!" He said. "Wanna know something weird?" Jungkook asked and you nodded.

"I missed Tae Hyung, sitting on a corner of the room today!" Wow! So he does like it.

"Next time we can do that. Now rest with me and drop me in my home." Jungkook wants to cuddle with you all night long. But he knows that it will be injustice to Taehyung who has been nothing but sweetheart.

Oh how he wish he could have you on his arms for the rest of his night.

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