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You walk carefully outside of the doctors cabin and both of them walked to you.

"What did he say?" Taehyung asked carefully.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook held your hands.

"I got the results, I wanna go home first and then tell you guys!" You say.

Both your husband and fiancée nodded and within 10 minutes you were sitting on the car.

Jungkook was driving and Taehyung sitting beside him. You were happy on the back.

You touch your stomach. It's 12 weeks. Not that visible but it's like you have eaten a lot and your tummy is a bit showey.

Both of the men wers crazy happy when the got to know you were expecting. They were jumping, you are currently 33, owning a company, a millionaire by yourself you have achieved your goals so it was time to rise a child.

They were there every time. On 9th week you heard the first heart beat of the little one. Three of you together.

They are already taking good care of you, making sure you are eating and resting a lot.

Thinking all of these you reached to the house. Why you were to doctors? Cause you did a paternity test and both the men and you deserve to know that whos child is this!

Not that it matters but he or she should need a surname. It can't be called Lee right?

You are happily married to Taehyung and Jungkook has always been good to you both so whoever the father is it doesn't really matter.

"So?" Taehyung asked.

"I gor it here!" You shaked the envelope.

"Open it for god's sake my heart is beating fast!" Jungkook said

You open the envelope and read the DNA results of your unborn child and a smile rest on your face.

"Come one!" Taehyung groan.

"Looks like it's a she!" Wow a mini you!

"Congratulations boo, you always wanted a girl! God is in your side I guess!" Jungkook kissed on taehyung's cheek who is clapping in happiness.

"And...." You took a moment of pause while both the men waits patiently. "She is a Jeon!" You announced.

"Wow!" Taehyung clapped. You are married to him so it's a good thing that you will carry Jungkook's child. He will mot feel left out.

Jungkook on the other hand was numb. When you finally touched him he started to cry.

"My little girl...you will always be loved" he cried and cooed in your belly. "Your dad never knew your grandparents but he will make sure he will be the best dad for you!" He said.

You cry along with him.





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