𝟏𝟑. 𝐍𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐚🪐

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Jungkook felt like someone has put a truck on his head

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Jungkook felt like someone has put a truck on his head. He groand when the sensation in his head hit him.

"Fuck!" He curse. As he tried to open his eyes, the sunlight literally hit him on his face. He blink few times to adjust with the bright light.

He blink few times just to adjust in the bright light. He is now confuse as hell. Cause the surrounding is not known to him. It's not his room.

Oh he went to the club last night and took a girl in a room, but is is that room? He sit on the bed and before him was a big portrait of you and Taehyung. "What the fuck?" He curse.

He knows this room. This room is yours and Taehyung's bedroom. But what is he doing here?

Jungkook couldn't put pressure on his brain cause his head already hurts. And before he could say or do anything, Taehyung walked out of the closet, wearing boyfriend looking outfits.

"I see you are awake!" He said taking his things.

"I see I am at your bed. What happened Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

A smirk appears on Taehyung's face and he thought to have a little fun with the younger.

"Yeah! Cause we three had a really good time last night. You were good!" He said. Jungkook blink his doe eyes.

"What do you mean I were good? Did you fucked my ass? Fuck Hyung!!" Jungkook said and Taehyung bust into laughter.

"You wish, come on to the table. Your noona gonna answar your questions. I have to go out." He said and walked out of the room.

Jungkook wash his face and brush his teeth. To his surprise, he was wearing comfortable clothes. Shorts and tee shirt not that black jacket and pants.

He walked downstairs where you were sitting on the dining table and Taehyung were hugging you.

"See you at night baby! I love you!" He said.

"Okay. I love you more." You chuckled. "Oh Jungkook? Are you okay?" You asked with worried voice.

"I feel like shit and I have a feeling hyung finds it funny!" He said walking to the scene.

You roll your eyes at Taehyung who is biting his lips so that he doesn't end up laughing.

"You guys have fun, I need to go!" He finally said.

"And you..." Taehyung point at Jungkook who is holding his head.

"Be with your Noona today okay?" He said and Jungkook nodded without even understanding what is going on.


"Have you taken the pills?" You asked to Jungkook while pouring him a cup of watermelon juice. He nodded.

"Now would you please tell me what happened last night? And why I woke up on your bed?" He asked finally.

"Oh chill Jungkook." You chuckled and bite in your toast.

"You drank too much last night and the girl had to call us to rescue you. When you were finally here, you were whining about how you don't like to be alone. That's why we took you to our room and we slept together, I meant literally slept together!" You say.

Jungkook was taken aback with all this new information. He has mixed feelings about all this. First of all never in his life he was that careless before but he needed to stop thinking about you yesterday.

"I am sorry Noona, I never act this carelessly. I don't know what happened to me." Jungkook sighed.

"It's okay. We all have these days and I can totally feel you. After I moved out from the orphanage, I never liker the house I used to live in. So I always needed excuse to not to go there." You say as both of you were eating breakfast.

"Then what happened?" Jungkook asked totally related to you.

"Then I met Taehyung, and in few months we knew we need to move in together!" You smile. Jungkook does too.

"I also don't like it in there." For the first time Jungkook admitted. You held his hands and squeezed them.

"You'll also find somewhere to call Home one day. Don't worry! Sometimes, home is not just an apartment or a duplex house, home is person. It could be one, or a bunch of persons you know!  You say to the younger.

He smiled. Nodding, he joined you eating his breakfast. "So where did your home went?" He joked but you get it anyway.

"He has a men only day planned up. You know Jimin's and Yoongi's marriage is knocking at the door? So they have a lots to do!" You say.

"They are getting married? Oh god! Good for them. I am so so happy for them."  Jungkook said.

"I know right. They deserve a marriage." You say.

"And you?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know. We haven't talked about it yet. The way we sexually play games, we could even end up in poligamy." You say chucking.

But the man sitting Infront of you do not smile.


"So what's your plan today?" Jungkook asked when you were done eating.

"I was thinking about some gardening first, then Imma play some games on my pc? I don't know!" You say.

"You must be kidding Noona! Let's get this!" He said.

"Oh you love gardening and games?" You asked and the hyper bunny nodded.

"Taehyung likes to play sometimes with me. Other than that I had to Do it alone." You pout.

"Well let's do it together, since I  kinda stuck with you!" Jungkook teased. You roll your eyes walking to your garden.

"Yeah right." You joked too.

That day was one of the best day you had. Both of you planted some new plants first and then watered your garden together, played with water and got all drenched.

Then you showered and played games in your game room for more than three hours. End up eating the lunch around 4 pm, and then took a nap together in the same couch.

When Taehyung came back home he found you both sleeping. He could not help but to find it cute, it may sound weird but seeing his long time soulmate with his newly found crush is fun to him.

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