𝟐𝟐. 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨 🔞

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The sex was good

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The sex was good. It was you with them but they didn't have any direct physical contact.

And the best part was Jungkook finally agreed to sleep with you. So it was you in the middle, Taehyung on your left side and Jungkook on your right side. Again, there was no physical contact in between the men.

But you had both of them for you. What a life! Yeah the author is jealous too.

Taehyung wakes up first and watch you being all clingy with him and he smiled. He gently remove your arms from him and you go on the other side hugging Jungkook.

Which he totally embrace even in his sleep. He smiled looking at that and tip toed out of the bed.

He is feeling really hungry. He looked at the wall clock and it is 6 in the morning. He walk down to the stairs and the maid hasn't come yet.

But he can't really be angry cause you and him don't like the maids to be around all the time. Especially on Sunday.

So he open the fridge and put out some foods so that he can cook e meal. He likes to surprise you with breakfast on bed.

Taehyung cut some sausage and fried them, he buttered some breads which will be toast soon and not to mention he has plan to scramble few eggs. But as he is hungry he is eating some first. Cause seems like you and Jungkook are sleeping like a log.

"What are you doing here hyung?" Jungkook asked as he sits on the island.

"Good morning Jungkook, making breakfast!" Taehyung said as he bite into a sausage.

"I want some too!" Jungkook pouted like a child.

Taehyung chuckled and gave him a plate of sausage meanwhile, two of the toast jump out of the toaster.

He grabbed one for him and gave the other to the younger.

"I tell you, all these sex makes you hungry as hell!" Jungkook said and Taehyung bust into laughter.

"What?" He asked.

"The person who is having the dicks is actually the tired and hungry one, you know?" Taehyung says as he is making the eggs.

"Really?" He asked with doe eyes and Taehyung chuckled.

"Don't be offended, you are really good at bed, you fuck good but why do you get all awkward and suddenly you don't know anything?" The elder asked.

"See the thing is, since I started doing sex, I always had fun. I fuck untill I cum, and when I am done, I don't cuddle and stuff." Jungkook said.

Taehyung blinking fast.

"So are you trying to say that you have never loved someone?" Taehyung asked and the younger replied in negetive.

"Ah! You poor thing, eat now! I will let you cuddle with y/n after she is done with her breakfast in bed, trust me she will be happy." Taehyung said and continue to do what he was doing.

"Okay, but do you want to talk about last night? The threesome?" Jungkook asked.

"It was not technically a threesome, both of us were five feet away and we didn't touch ourselves." The elder said.

Jungkook's eyes got bigger and he doesn't know how to reply to that. Does Taehyung means that there should be touching involved in between them? But why?

Oh! He know the answer, cause Taehyung is bi. He can do that. But Jungkook can't. He has never felt anything for a man to even touch him.

"Hyung, you got something on your lips!" He said ignoring the fact what he was thinking.

"Where? Its probably chilli, I don't want it to.." Taehyung was touching his face.

"Here, let me help.." Jungkook walked to the other side and he got closes to Taehyung. He got so close and he got rid of the chilli flakes.

"You're all done!" He said. But then he realised how close he is to Taehyung's face and the way Taehyung is looking at him.

Something clicks inside him, it was like the same when he got near you. He wants a kiss. So bad. Taehyung's lips is so pink and soft looking he wants to bite it.

Jungkook gulps down the tension and make a distance between two of their faces.

He clears his throat to reduce the tension here. Well, you can cut the air obviously it is that much!

"Thank you!" Taehyung said. And before anything else, he grabbed Jungkook and smashed his lips on the younger.

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