𝟏𝟏. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 🔞

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As soon as you went to your fours your eyes met your man

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As soon as you went to your fours your eyes met your man.

"Are you seeing her hyung? Is that you wanted to see? Your girlfriend having so much fun? Huh?" Jungkook asked as he spanked hard on your ass. You moan.

"Do her Kook!" Taehyung say. You are wet from this manhandling and conversation between them.

He collided his tip on your entrance and rub it with your wet vagina. You whine for him and before you could say a word, he was inside you. In one go and fully. Filling your guts with his dick!

Yup. You were right. He might be the same size of Taehyung but he is thicker. And it feels so so good!

"Ah fuck Kook!" You hide your face in the pillow Infront of you.

"Does it feel good noona? My cock buried deep inside you?" He asked. God this dirty talk.

"Yeah! Oh fuck!" You moan when he start to fuck you rough.

"Gosh your pussy feels so fucking good Noona. My cock be loving it. Oh fuck!" Jungkook said and you could not utter a single word but some meaningless shouts and whines.

"Tell him, tell him how good you are feeling!" Jungkook said and grabbed your hair making you face Taehyung who is still there sitting as he was before.

"Baby, it feels so damn good. Jungkook is fucking me so so good. He is making me go crazy!!" You say making Taehyung hard on those moans.

"He does baby! Take him good. Take him how you always take me. Make him cum so hard that he would be great full to you." He said and you nodded like a good girlfriend you are.

"I wanna see your face while you take me noona!" Jungkook said and his dick is out of you. Your needy hole clench on nothing and you lay on your back facing him.

"So fucking beautiful!!" He doesn't forget to compliment you. He took your lips and bite the lower one, leaving it all swelled up for him.

Jungkook took both of your legs on his shoulder and then slammed his dick inside you.

"Oh gosh!" You whine. He thrust inside you fast and good for few minutes more. Watching you like this makes him go crazy. It's like a dream come true.

Now he knows, how Taehyung feels everyday. It feels like heaven. You are a woman of needs and all the things he can want from life.

"I am gonna cum!" You say.

"Cum for me noona! Cum on my cock! Make it cream...come on!" He said and before you know you are coming on him.

You can't get enough of this beast, he is young and so passionate about sex it makes you wanna cum again.

But it is hard for him to continue as the knot in building inside of him. "So fucking tight!" He said and took out his dick out of you.

Jungkook strokes it dew times and in few seconds he came in your lower belly. He is doing it out of respect. I mean obviously he can not cum inside of you while your man is sitting Infront of him right now.

"Oh god!" He said as sweat was dropping from his forehead. He didn't forget to grab some towel from the nightstand and wipe up his mess on your body.

Both of you are panting for air and it took you a sollid minute to calm down from that state of euphoria.

"Oh god that was so fucking hot!" Taehyung finally said. Jungkook covered his lower body with the blanket now.

He came to you and you smile at him. His lips land on yours and you kiss him. "Have you enjoyed baby?" He asked.

"Our Kookie literally rearranged my guts!" You chuckled and he did too. Making Jungkook chuckled more.

"Let's get you a warm bath on the tub? Shall we?" Taehyung asked. And you nodded. He took you on his lap, bridal style. And starts walking.

He stopped and looked behind him to the man who is sitting on the bed.

"Do you want to join her?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook's eyes go wider. He only fucks. He never spend a single momment with them afterwards.

"No, I should go!" He said.

"What? No. It's 1 in the morning! You are staying!" You say from Taehyung's lap in a loud voice.

"And you need to wash up too. You look sweaty to me!" Taehyung added.

"Um.. then I should shower I guess!" Jungkook said. And both of you nodded in happiness.

The washroom was huge. Jungkook was inside of his shower cube but he could see you having warm bath on the tub while Taehyung is sitting there, talking to you.

He could not help but to wonder how both of you are smiling and talking about random fact while you just fucked another man.

That night Jungkook slept like a baby in your guest room. For the first time in his life, he didn't really felt so alone.

He felt that there was someone in a room beside him who just care for him at least as human beings.

It was new for him. The feeling was unknown but it was soothing to his heart. Jungkook was going close of you and Taehyung and it was making him happy ultimately.

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