𝟏𝟔. 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧? 🪐

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"Congratulations on your graduation!" You hugged Taira and she hugged you back

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"Congratulations on your graduation!" You hugged Taira and she hugged you back.

"Thank you y/n." She said.

"Come here, little one!" Taehyung hugged his little sister for the longest time.

"I can not tell how proud I am of you!" He said.

"Come on Tae, now you are being dramatic." She said.

All three of you sit on the five star restaurant, which a table was booked to celebrate Taira's graduation.

"May I have your orders sir, mam?" The waiter came and all of you ordered food and of course Champaign. To celebrate.

"So, here is something, on behalf of us." You wave an envelope and she is smiling wide already.

"I am always up for both of you showering me with gifts!" She said. And Taehyung chuckled.

"Here." You finally give it to her.

She opened it and her mouth fell in agape and eyes are wider than ever. "No you guys didn't!" She said.

You chuckled. "Yes we did!" You say.

"But choose your partner wisely okay?" Taehyung said.

It's a full paid trip to Bali. Last time when Taehyung was there, she was whining that she wants to visit too. That's why both of you thought about booking flights tickets, hotel and travel guids. Of course for two people. She is mature now she can take whomever she wants.

"So now that you are graduated, what's the plan?" Taehyung asked chewing his sea food platter.

"You can always join our company by the way!" You offered.

"I know. And I also know that your company will always be my second home. But someone has to take care of what our dad has built I guess?" She said. Fair enough.

"Dad will be proud of you!" Taehyung said.

"The only people who are proud of me are with me right now, giving me the time and pampering I need." She said.

"Don't say like that, you know how busy they are!" You try to cover them.

"So are you. But both of you have time for me!" She said.

"Let's not talk about it. Our parents love both of us, it's just they are too much practical." Taehyung patted his little one's head.

"Whatever, by the way, when is Jimin and Yoongi getting married?" She asked excitedly.

"Next week!! And you will be invited too." You say.

"I am so happy for both of them, it feels so good to see the couples getting married, who were my goals while growing up!" She said.

"I know right!" She said.

"How about you guys?" She asked.

"Oh no! Your brother was in love with a man who just dumped him for me. So it's complicated right now!" You fill her with information.

"Then why not go for polly? I am sure you guys will have fun!" She said.

"He is straight Tai, and stop talking about it." Taehyung said and both of you exchange an eye contact.


"We seriously need to appoint a diractor on Jungkook's position. It's been 15 days." Namjoon is telling you while you are baking cake for the dinner.

"I am setting the table okay?" Onti asked you and you nodded.

"You look too sexy to be my brother's wife." Namjoon flirts and Onti throw hands at him.

You chuckled watching it. Taehyung came out of no where and hugged you tightly.

"I missed you. Yoongi hyung made me work so much!" He pouted.

"Aw my baby! Come here, let me give you all my kisses and love!" You pamper your man.

"Oh god! I would have to wash my eyes with holy water after seeing this make out session." Jin said as he sits on the dining table.

"You're just old and jealous!" Jimin said joining Yoongi on his lap.

"I am married and so you will be in five days." Jin said. "You young lady, come here..." He patted his thighs and Onti runs to sit on his but Namjoon grabbed her first on the way.

"Sorry Husband but your little brother is looking like a meal today!" Onti Joked.

All of you had fun today and Jungkook was missed. Actually. He was on your gourp only for six months but it feels like a long time.

"Have you invited him?" Yoongi asked to Jimin and he nodded.

"He said he will try!" Jimin said in a low voice.

You held on Taehyung's hand and he smiled.

"I think we should go for recruitment and interviews." Jin said.

"After Jimin's wedding then!" You got to take the final decision and everyone could not help but to agree with you.


"Don't forget to turn off the lights while coming to bed!" Taehyung told you as you come back from the washroom, finishing your night routine.

You nodded to him and turned off the lights. As you join him on the bed, he pull the covers over both of your body.

He cuddle and hugged your body with his and you kiss on his chest where you are keeping your head right now.

"I love you." He said kissing your forehead.

"And I love you!" You say kissing his neck.

You continue to kiss him on his neck and he closes his eyes devouring the love that you are providing him in the bite size kisses.

You bite on his neck and suck on it to make a freshly purple hickey. Taehyung groaned this time and grabbed your hair by fist.

"Fuck baby!" He said and it turns you so much on that you are now feeling horny. You do not waste a momment and push your lips on his.

Taehyung replied yous kiss with a heated one. Breath against breath, nose against nose, lips against lips and of course tongue against tongue.

Both of you are now so much invested into this hot make out session that nothing else matters.

Nothing else matters of course untill Taehyung's phone rings. It's 1 in the morning and his phone is ringing.

"This must be important!" You say breathlessly breaking the kiss.

"This has to be important!" Taehyung noted. He slide on the bed until he get his phone from the cabinet beside your bed and he was shocked to see the caller ID.

"Who is it?" You asked.

"J... Jungkook?" He said. Still dumbfounded.

"Pick it up!" You say. He nodded before swiping the screen to right.

"Hi, I am out with this man and he is..."

"Let me guess? Drank a lot and now sick?" Taehyung completed the sentence of that girl and she just hum in response.

"Just send me the adress. We will be there and don't worry!" Taehyung said.

You were waiting for him to cut the line but in reality you knew what was going on by his talks.

"Again?" You asked to him.

"Again!" A smile creeped on his face.

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