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Justin POV

Walking down the roads on a winter evening in California. It rarely rained here, so it was surprising that it did. The breeze hit my face and I shook a little. It was so fucking cold. I moved here two years ago, after my dad died in an accident. My mom and I moved here for a "fresh start" I had always been poor, no type of food in the house, roll in the toilet. Nothing. My dad died so my mom had too worn extra hours at work too provide for me and my sister. But it wasn't enough. She was getting paid $20 each month for working. I got into a business when I was 14, a business that had too do with selling drugs, I had too do it — took keep my family safe, keep my house in control. I was the oldest, so I had a responsibly. That's when I met, Brynn,

My ex girlfriend. I loved her. Way too much, Brynn and I met at a fair, shortly after I got into the drug business. We were both just kids, young too fall in love that deep. But we did. We both had our own gang, Me, Her and five of our other friends, Lacy, Josh, Chaz, Ryan, Emma and Bliss. Ryan, moved with me — him being my best friend, I could not just leave him alone without me.

When I turned 16, i it marked two years I was dating Hailey. She was a warrior. She knew about the drug business — helped me with it sometimes. Everyone knew about it, everyone but my mom. She couldn't. I won't let her found out about my business. It was too much.

Hailey was beautiful, her long gold hair, I loved her. Everyone did. She kept me sane. Happy and free.

I still remember the day, May 14th 2019, I was coming home from school, when I heard a bang. I didn't know what it is, who it was: but I panicked. I walked in seeing my beautiful lover, hurled up in a ball, trapped in her own blood. I remember screaming, crying shouting. How would you feel if the love of your life died? And seeing it happen right in-front of you? It was torture. It caused me the worst pain ever. It had been 2 years since all of that happened. I moved here too start new. Leaving behind my life and legacy.

My mom got a good job, a great job actually. So it seemed like I didn't need to work anymore too keep my family stable. But I did — drug selling helped me a lot. It took pain from the death of Hailey, and reminded me of my home back in Canada. I didn't only once a week, just getting some drugs in my body and some money on the way, helped a lot.

I didn't go too school, well I did but skipped most of the time. I didn't really like going too school. Didn't really make friends that easily. I was always closed off. My mom forced me to go though. Only twice a week. Wednesdays and Mondays. It was Wednesday, so I had too go too school unfortunately.

I grabbed my bags, and walked too the opening of my school, holding the doors open. I was late, as I always was. But it was 12pm so i only had 3 more hours of school left. I held my books and saw Ryan, he caught up too me and we clapped hands together as some greeting.

"You okay bro?"

I nodded me head at him, putting my books in my locker, we were met by Kelsey the school slut, who's her the biggest crush on me for years.

"Hey Jay" she squinted her eyes at me and held my hands,
"Haven't seen you since Monday"

I rolled my eyes at her "Yeah, Fuck off Kelsey" I pushed her away.

She was annoying and only thin she was good at, was fucking. Other than that she squealed so much and her voice was so fucking pitchy.

"Why" She pouted, "You don't wanna talk too me?" I rolled my eyes at that and moved away, stepping in too the halls, "Gosh Kelsey just shut the fuck up-" Soon I saw rolls of spaghetti covered on me. What the fuck?

"Oh my gosh" She screamed, "I am so sorry" The girls brown eyes looked at me in fear.

She got a tissue and started wiping my shirt down, "I don't think that's gonna help" I chuckled at her. She beamed, giggling at my words. She took off her bag, and handed me a shirt,

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