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Selena POV

I was so overwhelmed.

School was a fucking buzzkill. It pissed me off half the time. I just didn't get it all the time. Like why did we have to learn about, History or Maths like I don't get it. Personally, I don't wanna be a fucking scientist when im older or a lawyer or anything most people want to be. I just wanna have a lot of money, get married and have kids. I think marriage is gonna be my biggest success honestly. The dress, the man, the songs, the people around you. Marriage is so fucking special. Most people don't want to get married these days, im not sure why, Mabye from the fact that I'd you get married and impregnate someone, or didn't get a prenup there's no way out. Either way I was gonna have my fairytale marriage. Get married at the beach, and have 3 kids. Two girls and one boy. Perfect.

Anyways back to the school topic. I hate school. Justin was lucky since he only went twice a week. Unlike me, who has to go everyday cause I actually wanna go to a good college and get a good degree. If I didn't, my parents would kill me, and honestly, I didn't want to spend my whole life here in this town. I wanted to go to New York, to become a singer or something in the industry. I had big dreams guys.

Speaking of Justin, he got more and more romantic each day. Like the other day he bought me a necklace with his name on it. Romantic. Or when he took me too see the northern lights, like that was so fucking romantic. I don't even know where he got most of this from, like he said he hates love, so how can he do stuff so easily. I don't even either way, I loved it.

Our, one month anniversary was coming soon, we have only been dating for about a couple weeks and it felt like ages honestly, I felt like dancing around at just the tbh ugh of us being together again.

Speaking of dancing, Prom was coming soon. Well not soon, but in a couple of weeks by the end of the semester I'll be dancing around for my last Prom. I was so ecstatic. This was gonna be my first Prom with Justin too — if we're still together by next the end of this semester. Which I'm sure we would, I mean we were reaching out to our first month, so what's the next 4 months gonna be like? Anyways, my last Prom was with Nate. My ex boyfriend who cheated on me with one of the schools slut, Kelsey who also had sex with Justin. We dated for a year and I wasn't gonna say I was in love with him, cause I wasn't — But the times we had were good. He was my best friend, and I spent my childhood together. So losing him was hard, but I'm glad he's gone now. I have Justin now.

So I was spending my next couple of weeks, planning and thinking about my life.

It was also my birthday soon. I was gonna be 18 soon, which excited me. Justin was 19, he had to stay back a year so being with him, honestly was kind of weird. He was very smart. He knew more than me, and he had a lot of potential — But never used it, and it pissed me off honestly.

Like the other day he told me, to fund the variable of  y like bitch? How the hell I'm I supposed to know stuff like that.

Gosh I'm so dumb.

Ashely had told me, Ryan was finally starting paying attention too her, I didn't they why they couldn't date already. Like it's so obvious they have the hot for eachother, like just date already.
She told me Ryan was hot, and said she would never even begin to like Justin. She said he was too beautiful for her; I mean that made want to slap her at the same time and hug her cause then I don't have to worry about her taking my man,

"You okay baby?" Justin asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. He sat down next too me, rubbing my stomach. It was very pleasuring.

"I'm just so tierd, I don't want to learn about the mass of  x, like how the fuck is that gonna help me when I'm older?" I scoffed, standing up from my bed. I stretched my hands, taking a sweet from my sweet box.

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