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Selena's POV

"That's not how it works" I told Ashely as she kept trying too play a game of checkers with Ace. We were all at Justin's house for a little get together, just us hanging out for a little while, while we were all on a week break off school. Well me and Ash were, the boys just took a break whoever they wanted too.

Ace and Ashely, we're playing checkers. Which too me was a dumb game, but was entertaining for me to watch. They fought like cats and dogs, over stupid stuff by saying a jumper can't jump a king, or some stupid stuff like that i didn't understand. It was funny and the two made quiet a pair for a fun activity.

But all I could think about was my senior prom. It was in 5 weeks and 5 days, and honestly I couldn't be more excited about it. It was my first prom with Justin. Even though he said he didn't want to go, or thought it was cheesy, my ass was forcing him too go. I mean he had too, I was his girlfriend after all. Plus, imagine how good he would look in a suit. I just know he would find a way too turn everything sexual; cause that's just how Justin Bieber is.

I was looking for colleges too. I wasn't sure which one I wanted to go too, i hadn't even spoken too Justin about it. I don't think he wanted too even go too college. I mean he was supposed to go two years ago. My plan for college was going too be, Stanford. That's like the biggest college in the whole of California. I wasn't sure if i was gonna get in, but I was hopeful. I had already started planning my college applications before I even met Justin. I knew he didn't like school, and never wanted plans for his future — but what if he did have plans? What if he actually applied and tried to change his life? I just wondered what life was without Justin, I mean we just started dating a month ago, but I already feel like being with him was the best thing that's ever happened too me.

Speaking of Justin and I, we have been dating for a month. A whole ass month. It felt like we had been going out for ages, years even.

I really liked Justin. Like really really liked him. My feelings for him were getting more and more deeper each day. I liked the way he made me feel, I liked the way he touched me; and the way he looked at me. or how he licked his lips every time he talked too me. or kissed me. Everyday, I was slowly starting too fall deep into Justin's, little world. And I loved it. I craved him, everyday, every night. I loved him.

Wait..did I just say that? Did I just say I loved him?

"What are you thinking about babes?" Ashely told me, standing up from her checkers match and lying down with me. I shook my head from what, my conscious told about me loving Justin.

"Oh nothing" I said, looking around the room to avoid her eyes.

She knew something was up, but dropped it anyways.

Justin came into the room with Ryan behind him, Ashely eyes instantly brightend up, standing up to hug him.

"Hey baby" Justin kissed my neck a little bit. I smiled at him, looking up at him and kissing his chin.

"I've been downstairs all day hanging out with the boys" He said, "Now, I wanna hang out with you" He mumbled in my ears.

And by hanging out, he meant kissing and making out crazily.

I giggled standing up, "I would love that, but we can't always just make out every time it's just the two of us" I pushed him off me. At this point it was only me and him in the room.

"I'm sorry babe, your lips are just so precious and soft" He smirked.

You see?! He said things that make me go crazy. And I know he  does it on purpose.

I shook my head, "Lets order pizza and watch The Notebook" I squealed, grabbing his hands.

He groaned, "Why the fuck do we have to watch the notebook all the time baby? It may be romantic but it's not even intresting" He spoke, sitting down.

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