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Justin's POV

It was a Sunday, and Selena and I were currently at her house doing homework. It was unlike me, I never completed my work, but Selena and I paired up for a project and she's a work freak and forced me to complete it with her. Usually I would I spend my Sunday fucking girls or getting high — but I guess not today. Today I was learning up how Shakespeare was the best poet of the last generations.

"Why the fuck do we need to learn about this?" I cussed out. Selena laughed, holding on to her knees as she swayed back and forth on her bed.

"Well, we're gonna fail if we don't complete this Jay, so get your ass out of the chair and help me with this essay" She kicked my legs.

We'd been spending a lot of time together, each day there was something new with us. I wasn't gonna deny that I didn't have some sort of feelings for her, but i didn't wanna admit it either. Truth is, I haven't felt this in a while, she's making me feel things I felt when I was with Bryn. And that scared me. My ex lover, was dead. Never gonna fucking return again. I can't even imagine what would happen, if Selena was in that position.

I didn't wanna get to close too her — Even though i already had. I didn't wanna hurt Selena, push her further from me. I enjoyed her company, I liked her a lot; and I really didn't want to lose that bond we had, or the bond we were slowly making.

I shook my head, focusing on the paper in front of me.

"You okay?" Selena asked me, licking her lips in the process. She took a piece of skittles from a box of sweets and popped it into her  mouth.

"Yeah" I nodded my head taking some skittles from her "Just thinking of my thoughts"

She giggled, her hair swaying back and forth. Selena was innocent, she was way to different from Bryn. So why exactly was I so attracted to her? Why did I feel a connection towards this girl, I didn't get it.

"You seem to be thinking a lot about something" Selena asked, "Care to share?"

I sighed, looking at the girl before me, "Its dumb" I said.

"It won't be it you don't speak up" She took all her, books away prepping them on a stool.

Before I could speak; I got a call from Lacey. I hadn't spoke to her in a while partly cause I was always so busy, and cause the thought of my old friends back in Canada was too much for me to think about. All I heard was "Bryn!" When I called them.

"Whos Lacey?" Selena asked peeping over my phone.

I covered it quickly, taking my phone from her eyes. Choosing not to ignore her, I went to the bathroom and took my phone.

"Hey Jay" She answered.

"Lace..hey" i trailed off slowly, "How are things?"

"Good" I good hear her nod from the phone, "Where you been? Ryan said you'd been hanging out with some Sofia person"

I chuckled, Ryan was the only one who knew about me and Selena. Well Ace and Khalil knew, but Khalil didn't know how serious it was getting, well I didn't knew how serous we were — I didn't even know what we were.

"Uh yeah, her name is Selena" I corrected her.

I was nervous about telling Lacey about Selena. I had known them my whole life, and they had only ever seen me with Bryn. To them, Bryn and I were the best couple of our group. Everyone knew us, wanted to be us. They all looked up too us.

If I ever moved on from her, I don't know how they would react.

"Is she pretty?" Lacey said, breaking the silence between us.

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