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Justin's POV

Selena walked away from me. Again. I saw her last night on the road. We talked, I mean we screamed at eachother really. I told her I wanted more space and time too figure, how I felt about Bryn. There was no doubt that there was some type of feelings I had for her. She was my first love anyways. And I thought Selena out of it all people would understand that — turns out she didn't.

She told me too choose between her or Bryn. I mean It wasn't a choice, but I didn't know what too say. My heart and head were telling me two diffrent things. But I didn't move. And I watched Selena walk away from me agian.

A party of me wants too try again with Bryn, just to see what happens with our relationship. And a part of me just wanted too go back too Canada with her.

"Your not doing anything" Bryn said, laying on top of me.

We were having sex; as we normally did these days. And here I was, thinking about Selena while having sex with my possible ex-soon too be girlfriend. I was crazy.

"Sorry" I shook my head, "I have too many thoughts" I stood up from the bed.

She pushed me back down, "Don't think of anyone, just think of me" She said, her glorious boobs shaking above me.

Bryn moved back and forth, bouncing her body on my cock. She started holding my hands, rocking herself so i could feel pleasure. I moaned, closing my eyes and biting my lips. I slapped her ass, telling her to go faster. Riding was defo our favourite postition.

"Mhm, fuck your so good at this babe!" I said, biting my lips as I felt myself coming close too my climax.

Bryn looked like she was coming close too, and so I lifted my hips, and swayed my hips as she rode me. Bryn moaned very loud, her hands shaking as she held mine.

"You like that?" I asked her, as she nodded her head.

We both soon came, shaking in the process as all I could hear was our moans mixing together.

I laid mr head down as Bryn got off of me, "Fuck" She cussed.

"Did I kill you?" I laughed at her.

She smiled at me, her head glistening with sweat. She stood up from the bed, getting the bed sheets too cover herself and went too the bathroom.

I took that time too put my clothes back on, and went downstairs too make breakfast.

I turned on the stove, deciding to make French toast for me and Bryn. She came downstairs, wearing a tank top and some shorts. She looked very pretty, but this wasn't something of hers she would wear. It was.


Bryn was wearing Selena's clothes. And she didn't look good in them. Bryn was skinny, sometimes too skinny. So the clothes she wore sat on her perfectly. Selena was curvy in all the right places, she said she didn't have a good body but her body was too die for.

"Do you like my outfit?" Bryn said circling around. She came too give me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me. I smiled bask at her, but still felt bad as I was thinking of Selena this whole time.

I basically chose Bryn and here I was, thinking of another on my of exes. I so fucked it was insane. I rejected Selena, choosing Bryn cause I wanted too where our relationship would go, so why was I even thinking about Selena?

"Are we going to the hut today?" Bryn asked me as she wore her shoes. I nodded my head, taking my French toast and eating it as I headed out too my car.

Selena's POV

Walking too my class room with Ace, i thought about my run in with Justin. He basically chose Bryn, over me — asking to give me space so he can work things out with her. Like does he cxpect me too wait till his sorry ass isn't in love with her anymore, just so we can be together? No. I'm worth more than that.

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