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Justin's Pov

I woke up too birds singing out of my room. I groaned and turned my head over. Why the fuck did they have too be so loud? My mom opened my door and she chirps happily,

"Morning Sunshine" She opened the curtains, revealing the sun.

"Fuck mom, why did you have too do that?" I groaned rolling over my bed.

It was Thursday which means I didn't need too go too school. I wasn't bothered too and my mom didn't mind me not doing anyways. That way I could have time for drugs selling.

"Honey, I want you too go too the store and buy me some stuff"

I rolled my eyes I don't wanna go too the fucking store.

"Do I have too?" I moaned standing up from my bed.

My mom laughed at me and gave me my shirt. With that I stood up going too freshen up.

"Thank you, get everything on the list. I love you" My mom left my room and I sighed. This was gonna be a long day.

The cold air hit my face as I walked down my street. It was quiet. And I liked it that way. When I had no thoughts in my head, i often sang too myself quietly — weird I know, but I enjoyed it.

But soon my mind would go back too Brynn. Even thinking her name is scary. She made me so happy. She was my other half. I didn't get why she had too die, or even what led to it. I left straight after she died, my mom didn't want me looking at her dead body any longer. I probably still have her blood in my nails, as I kept touching her blood for no reason. She was just so vibrant, and happy and smiled all the time. I was never unhappy without her.

"Oh my gosh stop!" Brynn squealed as Justin was pulling her back and forth on the swing.

"Not until I say so" Justin giggled as he watched her scream for him too stop.

He watched her hair push past her face, her breathing and screaming everywhere. But she still looked beautiful than ever.

"Well if I'm gonna die, your dying with me" She, grabbed his hands and pushed him on too the swings.

"Well your right" He paused, "This is forever"

He looked in between the two of them, and she giggled, nodding her head and kissing him.

My mind came back too life as I stopped thinking about Brynn, for a second. I was met by that girl again, Spaghetti Girl.

"Hi, Neighbour Boy" She chirped at me smiling.

Wow she really liked smiling at people.

I smiled at her, before moving away and going inside the shop. She followed me.

Can she not fucking follow me? I didn't want her talking too me, I just wanted too think about Brynn. Not have some weird chick following me.

"So how are you?" I rolled my eyes, reading my moms list.

What the fuck is Bush Peas?

"I never see you at school — why aren't you in school today"

"I don't go on the other days of the week, only Thursdays and Mondays" I mumbled under my breath, picking out the next thing on my moms list.

Seriously? Tampons? I'm not gonna be seen around that shit.

She nodded and smiled at me, "You don't like talking do you?"

I turned around too see her smiling even more.

Stop fucking smiling god.

"How do you know that?"

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